Unreliable Master

Chen Wentian was leading Lin Qingcheng in some morning exercises when he sensed a strong fluctuation from Li Yuechan's spiritual energy. He vaguely sensed it due to the weird rope-like item he had given her. He was a bit concerned at first but then sensed the fluctuations disappear so he returned to his previous pursuit.

"Mmm… master?" Lin Qingcheng propped her head up from the bed and looked over questioningly.

"Nothing…" Chen Wentian muttered.

His sound was muffled somewhat as his face was still resting snugly between her toned, smooth legs. Of course, it was that type of exercise…

He had gotten distracted in the middle of his important task and he apologized. "I'm sorry Chengcheng, were you close?"

Lin Qingcheng nodded slightly. "Is anything wrong?"

"No, don't worry."

"Wha… mmmm!"

He returned his tongue into her honey pot and quickly returned Lin Qingcheng to her previous state of ecstasy.


He skillfully played with her warm folds like a virtuoso. Her pussy gushed once more like a secret spring and he lapped up everything greedily.

"Ohhhh!" Lin Qingcheng's voice was desperate, like a wanton woman. "Ohh, master!"

As if to apologize for his distraction, Chen Wentian went for the full-scale offensive. His left hand squeezed and pulled the folds around her clit. His right sent two fingers lubricated with her arousal deep into her ass.

Lin Qingcheng cried out. The three-pronged attack was too much! The stimulation was driving her crazy. She writhed on the bed uncontrollably, clutching at the sheets in desperation. Her eyes were tightly shut but tears still leaked out as she was overwhelmed by the sensations.

Only him, only her master could make her feel like this. Masturbation simply did not compare. Her pussy quivered. Her whole body shook. Her spiritual energy went wild as it danced with joy. She hadn't felt like this in what seemed like forever.

"Ahhhhh!" She screamed out.


Euphoria! Overwhelming pleasure crashed through her body and mind, breaking down the barriers in her spiritual sea and sending her tumbling into the 2nd Level of the Spirit Initiate Realm.


Chen Wentian watched his handwork with an immense sense of pride. Lin Qingcheng was still in a daze, breathing heavily, her head lolled to the side on her pillow, her body shaking slightly every so often.

Her heavenly physique had an interesting evolution in the Spirit Initiate Realm. It required a lot of orgasmic energy than before. Masturbation was still fine to cultivate in between levels but it was much slower. Whenever he helped her, she experienced a much larger increase in her cultivation than by herself. She had been struggling with her breakthrough by herself and his assistance did the job nicely.

Her physique was quite a contradiction. At first, he was worried that she was cultivating too quickly, but now he was worried it would slow down. Perhaps looking at increasing the intensity and effectiveness rather than the number was the key. Otherwise, if she remained at her current pace, she would reach a plateau where her orgasmic energy would no longer be sufficient to increase her cultivation.

It was difficult walking the cultivation road blindly. It could be a waste of time at best or life-threatening in the worst case. Training Lin Qingcheng was always fun but he couldn't keep being such an unreliable master. He had to find out exactly what was going on with her unique abilities…


While Lin Qingcheng was having the time of her life, the five ice sisters were experiencing a serious crisis. When the Divine Blazing Mountain disciples had shown up, there was an immediate clash as the peak fighters from each side unleashed their spiritual energy and strongest attacks. It was only a short bout but the result was clear, Divine Blazing Mountain was at a clear advantage!

The number of Spirit Initiate Realm cultivators on each side was about the same but the other side had brought much more junior cultivators. The Glacier Palace women had also fought hard for an entire night and most were facing serious depletion of their spiritual energy. The men on the other hand seemed full of energy even though their camp had also been attacked during the night. How was this possible?

The women were afraid. Their master was nowhere in sight. Even if she did return, what if the flame sect master arrived as well? They all waited in silence, waiting for their snow fairy, their senior sister and most trusted person, to do something to save them.

Long Yifei glared at Fen Ziping's detestable face that was only a short distance away. This was the first time she had openly shown emotion in a very long time. She understood that this was not a coincidence and that there was some unknown plot at work. She didn't hesitate and shot off her master's message talisman.

"Fen Ziping, you better take your men and leave right now. Unless you want to lose your life when my master returns." Her voice was defiant and no longer courteous.

"Oh really?" Fen Ziping had a relaxed look, "I think you'll find that she won't be coming any time soon."

Long Yifei did not reply and observed him. His demeanor was too confident and abnormal. She felt a rising sense of crisis for herself and for women that looked up to her. Her instincts were screaming at her and she would have already fled if not for those around her.

A spiritual message soon arrived from her master but it was far from what she had expected, 'I am still fighting against an immortal enemy, you are on your own.'

Impossible… What is going on? Even if her master was fighting against more than one Spirit Lord immortal, she could still escape and return to them. Her disciples were in danger, did she simply not want to come and save them? Or… was it her choice?

"Madam, what's wrong?" An attendant beside her asked in alarm, seeing her ashen expression.


Long Yifei didn't say a word as her thoughts raced through all the possibilities, even the worst ones. She always prided herself in her calculated planning and careful decisions. She had thought of this scenario a long time ago, when she had first met Murong Aiyin and saw her strange behavior and harsh treatment of disciples. She never fully trusted her master or the other old women for this reason. Her frosty attitudes towards the sect were formed from her experiences as she grew up in that environment. Her creed was one that placed priority in self-protection first and foremost!

Her mind was made up, there was only one possibility…

Long Yifei injected spiritual energy into her voice and yelled out, "Everyone, retreat!"

At the same time, she sent silent spiritual messages to the ten or so high-level Spirit Initiate Realm women who were her closest followers. "On your horses, follow me!"