Sentence is Death

An Yu was twenty-five this year and at the 9th Level of the Mind Focusing Realm. She was captured along with seven other Mind Focusing Realm disciples while on a mission about three and a half months ago. They were very diligent and careful yet they were still caught. They were ambushed in the middle of the night and they had no chance to fight back or send their message talismans. The whole situation was very strange and An Yu would never have guessed they had been sold out by the sect master and the elders.

The captured Glacier Palace disciples were distributed to eight different Divine Blazing Mountain core disciples as concubines. An Yu was given to Fen Ziyong and she didn't know what happened to the others. She started crying again when she remembered those days afterward.

"Wuuu… that man…" She covered her face with her hands and sobbed. "He was a beast. It was so painful… he would want to do it five or ten times a day, every single day. Sometimes I lost count… but it hurt so much… every single time."

Her sorrowful state touched upon Chen Wentian's male instincts. He sat on the bed beside her and rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her.

"Shh… it's alright now. He's dead and can't hurt you anymore." He said softly.

"Thanks… hic… After Fen Ziyong left around two months ago, I thought it would get better but it was even worse. His other wives were extremely jealous of the so-called attention he gave me." She said, her voice shaking, "They beat me and starved me and made me do all the household chores that the servants were supposed to do. Fen Xiaohong even let her male relatives into my room… wuu…"

She cried once again, her chest heaving with deep sobs.

Yet at the same time, she also felt Chen Wentian's warm aura and found solace within it. She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. It was purely by instinct and even she didn't realize what she was doing.

After she finally calmed down, he spoke up. "Let's go. I will take you to the main hall. I still need to find and retrieve the other Glacier Palace disciples."

"Yes sir..."

She picked her head up and blushed at her own audacity, to which he simply chuckled.

The women and children in the courtyard bowed again when they returned. They had been waiting for a while and guessed incorrectly what had taken place in the room.

Chen Wentian walked up and addressed them, "As administrator, my goal is peace between Glacier Palace and Divine Blazing Mountain. Based on what I have heard, Fen Ziyong abused a Glacier Palace disciple when he was alive. I judge that this household is in opposition to my goals. Thus… the eight of you are no longer members of Divine Blazing Mountain. You all must leave tomorrow."

The four women trembled when they heard his decision. They were shocked, fearful, angry, or indignant but he didn't care how they felt. He was an immortal and he had no time to quibble over trivial things.

Fen Xiaohong looked like she wanted to say something but, in the end, she was cowed by his blazing aura. She was lucky. If she had chosen to talk back, he would have ended her life in an instant.

Chen Wentian wrapped An Yu with his spiritual force and flew back to the main hall, entering the small meeting room where Jasmine was. She had fallen asleep from boredom while Fen Lin and the four senior male disciples were still helplessly kneeling on the ground. He woke Jasmine up and moved them to a larger room. He also let Fen Lin and the other seniors return to the main hall. He then started systematically sweeping through the entire sect, spending a couple of minutes in each household that had a Glacier Palace woman.

Their stories were similar to An Yu in terms of their treatment and how they were captured. It became apparent that Murong Aiyin's betrayal of her disciples started almost immediately after the Immortal Sect Competition. From the start of the monster fighting competition all the way until two weeks ago, there would be a small party of women captured every single week.

He also discovered many Glacier Palace women that were much older than An Yu. They numbered close to a hundred and varied from the upper Mind Focusing Realm to the lower Spirit Initiate Realm. They had all been captured prior to Murong Aiyin's betrayal, over many years and by chance.

Divine Blazing Mountain could normally only obtain Glacier Palace like this a few each year. These women fought back ferociously and most chose death over being captured. Because of the low numbers, all of these women were given to the important members of the sect like the sect master or elders.

These criminal households were also the largest in the entire sect. The average elder had twenty wives and a few Glacier Palace disciples among them. The sect master had even more brazen with over fifty wives and ten Glacier Palace disciples.

The truly outrageous one was Fen Ziping's household which was overflowing with over a hundred wives and concubines and an astonishing thirty-eight Glacier Palace disciples. That asshole truly lived a good life. Death was simply too good an outcome for him.

It took a long time to sort out these older women. They had adapted to their new life and most even had children. They were reluctant to believe that their long nightmare was finally over. When they finally broke down, the emotions they poured out was by far the strongest and most heart-wrenching.

Chen Wentian finished his heavy task after half a day and a total of two hundred and eighty women were gathered up behind the main hall. From their testimony, he compiled a list of Divine Blazing Mountain disciples that had abused them. With this, he then went back to the great hall and addressed the men once more.

"There is severe enmity between Glacier Palace and Divine Blazing Mountain. Such enmity cannot be resolved without blood. Today, I shall be the judge as I resolve your past crimes… Some of you may die but it is your fault for abusing these innocent women. Now let's get started." He glanced at the list and read out the first name, "Fen Songwen."

"S… s… sir!" A portly middle-aged man stuttered in fright.

"You raped the Glacier Palace disciple named An Yu. Thus, the sentence is death!"

"Noo… Ahhh!" Fen Songwen screamed wretchedly.

Blue flames exploded around his entire body and an acrid smell of burnt flesh spread through the air. He only lasted five seconds before turning into ash. Chen Wentian could have turned him into dust in a split second but he wanted the others to hear those screams.

It was effective as now the atmosphere in the great hall was darker than the blackest demon heart. Those nearby to Fen Songwen recoiled in horror while others had terrified looks on their faces.

"No, you can't do this!" A random elderly man yelled out in defiance, "This is not right!"

Another man chimed in, "We will submit a complaint to the Immortal Association!"

"Yeah!" Several more chorused.

Chen Wentian nodded, taking note of each person that spoke up, "I see. It seems some of you have a guilty conscience. The sentence… is also death!"


"AHHHHHHH!!" Screams filled the hall as six columns of blue flame shot towards the ceiling.

After the offenders had all turned to ash, Chen Wentian asked, "Any questions?"

Deafening silence greeted him. No one dared to utter a word.

"Alright. Next up, Tang Mofei."

Nobody answered. He waited a few seconds but it was still silent.

"Tsk, tsk. I know for a fact that you are still alive and you are in this hall." Chen Wentian looked around, "I could bring out the Glacier Palace women to identify you but it would be beneath their dignity. I can simply do this…"

He picked out a senior disciple at random and gestured with his hands, using his spiritual force to pull him to the front.

"You, tell me who Tang Mofei is or else I will kill you." Chen Wentian said.

"Sir…" The senior disciple looked torn between loyalty and the desire to live.

Chen Wentian ignited a ring of flame around the man's feet that started to burn his shoes and his pants.

"Sir immortal! Tang Mofei is there." The senior disciple quickly gave up and pointed to a thin man with a full beard.

"Tang Mofei captured a Glacier Palace disciples five years ago. He was rewarded by the sect master and allowed to have his way with her. Thus, the sentence is death." Chen Wentian said.

"Nooo!!" Tang Mofei screamed as he paid the ultimate price for his crime.