Team Fight Tactics

The rock scorpions were cleared out in no time and Chen Wentian led his disciples to the next monster infestation. This region had already been scouted by Chen Mo and he was simply checking off areas on his map. The next infestation was in a large boreal forest which had a horde of horned goblins.

He repeated the same tactics as before and swept through the forest with Jasmine from the north and the west. Horned goblins were large species of goblins that stood almost as tall as humans. The gray skinned demons liked to live in cold climates and feast on fresh flesh including that of humans.

Chen Wentian watched impassively as his blue flames lit wide swaths of the forest on fire, creating a firestorm that ate away trees at frightening speed. Before long, horned goblins that were living in their wooden huts were forced to flee in the opposite direction.

On the other front, Jasmine didn't bother burning trees and instead directly obliterated the goblin huts. Those that were lucky enough to survive the explosion fled southward with their comrades.

However, unlike the dumb rock scorpions, the horned goblins had some semblance of intelligence. Near the southern edge of the forest, there was a walled human town that had been taken over by them. The fleeing goblins all packed into the town instead of continuing to flee.

Several powerful goblin leaders stood on the walls and screamed furiously at Chen Wentian and Jasmine who were flying high above them. It seemed that they weren't afraid of death and were prepared to fight to the death in the town.

"They are tired of living…" Jasmine muttered dangerously.

A massive moonbeam started forming in her hands but Chen Wentian blocked her. "Hey, hey. We're here for points and they all decided to bunch up together for me. It's a good situation to let the others fight."

"Hmph, fine."

Chen Wentian chuckled and sent a streak of fire at Tortoise Can Fly. When it reached it, the fire changed shape and formed a few characters. Wu Qianyu understood his message and immediately flew the carriage down to the front gate of the town.

Long Yifei jumped off first, followed by the ice sisters, and then the rest. Their weapons were drawn and their spiritual energy rose in preparation for a bloody battle.

Ahead of them, a hundred meters away, was the closed gate of the town. They could see hundreds of ugly horned goblins jumping up and down on the walls and howling furiously. The dirt road leading to the gate was littered with a sea of human bones and right in front of the gate was two huge piles human skulls. It was the horned goblins' symbol of conquest.

Lin Qingcheng stared at the scene in horror. She had been relatively sheltered at Moonlight City and the sheer level of death and devastation in front of her was incredibly shocking.

"Ziyun sis, what do we do now?" She asked timidly.

Zhou Ziyun shook her head, also a bit disturbed by the sights.

"Don't worry. These demons are pretty impatient, they'll make a move soon." Wu Qianyu said.

True to her words, scores of the bravest horned goblins leaped off the tower walls and started charging towards them. Their saliva flew from their own mouths as they ran. They eyes never left the girls' bodies and it was obvious that the fresh flesh in front of them drove them wild.

"Sisters, let's do as master planned." Wu Qianyu said.


Zhou Ziyun hurriedly pulled Lin Qingcheng to the back as the ice sisters took the center. Wu Qianyu and Long Yifei stood on either side and immediately launched their attacks.

A strong gust freezing wind swept over the charging goblins, freezing their limbs and slowing their movement. This was followed by an invisible hail storm of sword energy which plucked out the eyeballs of all the goblins. Crippled and blinded, the twenty or so demons tumbled to the ground and writhed in agony.

"Forward!" Li Yuechan cried and charged forward, followed by the other four ice sisters.

Opponents of greater number normally took a long time to kill even if they were weaker in cultivation. This was especially true for Spirit Initiate Realm monsters and this difficulty reflected in the points. Chen Wentian's method disregarded fairness and simply let the ice sisters gather points in the easiest way possible. It didn't matter if the monsters were already crippled, it only matter who dealt the killing blow.

The horned goblins that attacked were all in the Spirit Initiate Realm and a few thousand points were collected in less than a minute.

Of course, other sects could also employ the same shameless tactic. Many tried but it never worked out well. The problem was that a sect could have hundreds of competitors, who were all competing against each other. Unlike Wu Qianyu and Long Yifei, the top disciples of these sects were too busy gathering points for themselves instead of helping their weaker brothers and sisters.

It was a natural result of competitiveness and selfishness. If Chen Wentian also had hundreds of disciples, perhaps he would no longer be able to employ such team tactics either.

Wu Qianyu took over after the slaughter finished and charged towards the tightly shut metal gates. With the First Movement, Slash the World she easily cut apart the gates and charged into the town. Long Yifei dashed in next and the other girls followed as well.

Once inside, they were surrounded on all sides by a sea of demonic goblin faces. There had to be at least a thousand of them.


"Let's go!"

Their battle cries mixed in with demonic screams as the horned demons surged forward like a tidal wave.

Long Yifei's ice storm immediately formed and met the wave, stopping half of the horde in its tracks. This time, her ice storm was joined five smaller ice storms as the ice sisters used their renewed ice powers to assist.

The space between the girls and the horde turned into a frozen execution ground. Any goblin that dared to charge forward were dispatched by icicles and ice swords. Those that didn't die quickly had their tendons sliced and eyes punctured by Wu Qianyu's sword energy. Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun even joined in the action and beat a few wayward goblins into submission.

All in all, it was a wonderful team effort. Chen Wentian's job was to simply keep all the goblins in town. Besides smiting the random goblin that tried to flee, he spent most of the time watching everything from the air with rising excitement and happiness.

Having an army of women fight at his command was incredibly invigorating. His dirty mind couldn't help but imagine new and exciting fantasies. Perhaps, in the future, his disciples would all have a battle together in his bed…