Sharing the Wealth

Lin Qingcheng, Zhou Ziyun, and Wu Qianyu fled into Tortoise Can Fly just before Chen Wentian's blue dragon flames swept over the entire battlefield. The disciples were safe inside and watched the flaming purgatory from the small side windows. Occasionally, the entire carriage would shake dangerously as the surrounding was destroyed by the spiritual force of two immortals. It was an awe inspiring and fearful experience.

For some of the girls, it was the first time they had been direct targets of an immortal's power. They were scared and disturbed even if they did not suffer any physical harm. Lin Qingcheng noticed that the twins were holding onto each other and shivering while Song Wushuang was leaning on the side of the carriage and clutching her stomach.

Lin Qingcheng went forward and sat beside Song Wushuang. She wrapped her arms around Song Wushuang's frightened body and tried to comfort her.

"Sister Wushuang… Master will be fine. He is the strongest so don't worry!" Lin Qingcheng said.

"Oh, senior sister…" Song Wushuang muttered, "Still, I can't help but be worried…"

Zhou Ziyun took Lin Qingcheng's lead and tried to soothe the others as well.

"He is the strongest Spirit Lord. That green goblin stands no chance." Zhou Ziyun said, "Remember how at the Immortal Sect Competition, he was able to hold off the Lion Lord He Zicheng multiple times? His strength is unfathomable."

"Tch, still, did he really have to use us as bait? It was freaking scary for a moment there." Xu Lanyi complained loudly.

Li Yuechan was more contemplative and slapped Xu Lanyi lightly on the head.

"Hey!" Xu Lanyi cried.

"It's a good plan. He is doing it for our sake as well. Without those enemy immortals, our operation should proceed much smoother. After this, I think it's definitely possible for all of us to enter the top one hundred." Li Yuechan said.

She then turned to Zhou Ziyun and asked, "Sister Ziyun, what do you think?"

"From my calculations it is completely doable." Zhou Ziyun said, "My people have gathered information on the monsters across the province, there are more than enough points available for all of you. There's less than two months left but once the second phase of the operation starts, we should only need a month to reach our goals."

Lin Qingcheng and Wu Qianyu nodded in agreement. The ice sisters saw their three senior sisters' confidence and they were mostly placated. The only one that remained tense and nervous was Long Yifei who was staring out of the window with a serious expression.

Long Yifei had seen Chen Wentian fight against both Murong Aiyin and Fen Jue. She wasn't doubting his ability but rather, she was greatly shocked by the ferocity of the green goblin. She knew what kind of a demon goblins were and knew that the goblin's attention was mostly on her as it transformed into that grotesque monster. It was a shocking and offensive sight and though she barely qualified as a maiden, her maiden heart was still shaken.

Lin Qingcheng walked over to her and patted her back, trying to comfort her as well.

"Sister Yifei, are you alright?" She asked.

Long Yifei tried to smile, "I'm fine. I'm alright..."

Lin Qingcheng was doubtful and remained by her side, staring at the firestorm outside with her. As the first disciple and senior sister, Lin Qingcheng felt that it was her responsibility to help if her sisters had any worries and concerns. Chen Wentian had emphasized this during their one on one training. She was the undisputed first disciple in his heart and no matter how many powerful disciples there were, she was still the first so she had to act like it occasionally.

"I think… that master was quite irresponsible only giving his first three disciples immortal items." Lin Qingcheng finally said, "Why is he so stingy? He should have given all of your immortal items, then you wouldn't have been so terrified by that monster immortal."

"Chengcheng! Immortal items don't grow from the ground like weeds. They are extremely precious and rare." Zhou Ziyun chided her.

"Actually, master did talk to us about that." Li Yuechan spoke up, "He mentioned he had a few left but felt that none of them were compatible with us. Perhaps it is also the case for sister Yifei."

Now it was Long Yifei's turn to be surprised. Zhou Ziyun was right about immortal items; they were extremely rare. Neither Murong Aiyin or Fen Jue owned one. A Spirit Lord with a Spirit Lord item would experience a huge boost in capability depending on the item. It allowed a mediocre Spirit Lord like Immortal Desolate Sword Peng Yuefeng to create a top-tier sect. All they needed was one item. Why did Lin Qingcheng talk about immortal items like she was shopping for groceries?

"You three… all have immortal items?" Long Yifei asked.

Wu Qianyu and Zhou Ziyun's attacks against the goblin had happened too fast and it was hard to catch exactly what happened. If they both had immortal weapons, then it made total sense that they stayed behind until the last moment. It also made sense for Lin Qingcheng to have an immortal item as the first disciple. But then again, it made totally no sense for three mortal disciples to own immortal items!

"Yup, we do!" Lin Qingcheng said, "Tortoise Can Fly is also an immortal item."

"Wait… it is?" Long Yifei was astounded again, "I… assumed it was just a weird flying boat."

She was referring to the famous flying boats of the Beast God Sanctum that were used during the start of the Immortal Sect Competition. They were extremely expensive items created using a vast array of inscriptions and powered by massive quantities of spiritual crystals. Normal immortal sects could not afford such luxuries. Even for a super sect like Beast God Sanctum, it was an extremely wasteful display of power and wealth.

"Indeed, Tortoise Can Fly is similar to a flying boat but it has many unique powers." Wu Qianyu spoke up, "You notice how we are completely safe from the battle outside? This is not because of some protective array that master set up but due to the innate defensive ability of the carriage. It can withstand Spirit Lord Realm attacks without issue. It also flies much faster and higher than any flying boat but requires few spiritual crystals and it can even work with just my spiritual energy. This is because it is created from the remains of a powerful immortal!"

"Wow…" Long Yifei muttered, her brain was starting to hurt from these revelations. "I never knew master was so wealthy…"

"Mmhm. Don't worry sister Yifei. After this is over, I'm definitely going to get master to give you an immortal item!" Lin Qingcheng said brightly, "We are all his disciples so he should be sharing the wealth with all of us!"