Unnatural Beauty

Chen Wentian stepped past the elder and the stele. Dugu's Cavern was right behind. It was a simple hole cleaved out of the rocky ground, not by nature but by sheer human force. The walls of the tunnel were smooth and uniform. It descended at a steady but steep angle.

The cavern's entrance was tall and narrow like the width of a sword. The path down could fit three people side to side. It was almost as if the cavern had been created by an almighty sword piercing the forest. Thinking about it some more, this was probably the truth.

There was no one else around the entrance. Everyone attempting the challenge of the sword god's legacy had already gone down in the early morning. He approached the dark hole and was about to take a step inside when he was stopped by an invisible force.

It was sharp and cutting, fraying the hem of his robes. He tried to push back with his spiritual energy but the sword energy of the cavern only increased in response, equaling his output. He couldn't enter through brute force. He was certain that if an immortal attempted to force their way through, they would have failed as well.

"Of course," He muttered and drew his sword.

This was a proving ground for sword practitioners. The only thing that mattered was the sword.

The Purple Jade Sword danced in the air and flashed rays of purple light. Crafted out of the highest quality purple jade and containing the soul of a peak Spirit Initiate Realm purple jade beetle, it was his most powerful sword.

Sword energy emerged from every pore and wrapped around his body, his hand, and the Purple Jade Sword. He attempted to step forward again and sliced through the protective barrier as if it wasn't there.

Chen Wentian entered Dugu's Cavern and descended at a brisk pace. Stray strands of sword intent and wisps of sword Dao occasionally drifted into his path but he fought them off with ease.

The path was straight and steep and soon the entrance was only a tiny pinprick of light. It should have been pitch black but there was a dull white light all around that emanated from the pervasive white fog that filled the cavern. The fog was thick and moved with a mind of its own, preventing him from seeing the ceiling and more than a few meters in front.

The sound of his steady steps mixed with the dripping of water that seeped through the smooth rock walls. Tiny waterfalls formed by his feet, trickling down at the same pace as his descent.

After less than ten minutes of solitude, Chen Wentian came across the first step of the first level and the first cultivator. The first challenge of the sword god was a stone step carved into the rocks. It could fit five or six people on top but there was only one youth clad in pale red robes standing there.

He was from the Mount Yun Sect just like Mo Tengda but he was only at the beginning levels of the Mind Focusing Realm. He had two sword swords in both hands and seemed to be struggling against some kind of invisible enemy. He was sweating and cursing but he could not make it off the step and any further.

Chen Wentian wordlessly passed the hapless cultivator. He easily crossed the stone step and jumped down. He felt himself pass through an invisible barrier and the intensity of sword intent around him increase noticeably. It still wasn't anything that posed a challenge and he continued downward.

An hour later and at the ninth step of the second level, he found an interesting scene. While each stone step was a minor challenge, the boundary between each level was a major challenge. It consisted of a narrow, slippery stone bridge that crossed a bottomless chasm. The bridge could only fit one person at a time and there was a powerful wall of sword energy that blocked the way in the middle. If one was too careless, they would fall to certain death while attempting to cross to the third level.

This major challenge was a blocker for many and a small crowd had formed in front of it. A gaggle of cultivators at various levels of the Spirit Initiate Realm was waiting their turn to attempt the crossing. Men and women here wore all colors of clothing and wielded all kinds of swords. Most of the major sects were represented here even if Chen Wentian couldn't recognize one from the other.

Chen Wentian got in line, behind a peculiar person. At first, he thought that the grey-robed person was a woman. From the rear, they had waist-length black hair that was tied up in a neat ponytail. Their sleek grey robe had a high waistbelt that highlighted their shapely butt. A slender build and curvy silhouette belied a stunning beauty that was rarely seen in the world.

He became quite excited at the prospect of meeting a pretty female cultivator down in Dugu's Cavern. He thought that Chen Mo's words were auspicious and resolved to reward the shadow fox when they met again.

Thus, he was weirdly disappointed when the person turned around, revealing themselves to be male.

"Greetings." Chen Wentian said awkwardly.

"Greetings." The person answered with a slight smile.

Chen Wentian was filled with mixed emotions as he cast his eyes on an overwhelmingly handsome young man. His beauty was blinding, outshining even many beautiful women in Chen Wentian's memory. A sharp jawline, narrow neck, rosy lips, and a flawless white face combined with a fearless and noble aura. He was impressive in every way. For some reason, Chen Wentian couldn't bring himself to dislike this person even though it should have been instinctive.

"I haven't met you before, is this your first time?" The young man asked.

"No. I just arrived today." Chen Wentian answered.

"Ah… where are my manners? My name is Peng Xiling, core disciple of the Tower of Swords." Peng Xiling said and bowed respectfully.

"Chen Wentian, loose cultivator. Well met." Chen Wentian returned the greeting. "You are quite talented to be a core disciple at your age."

Peng Xiling smiled fully, his eyes turning into half-moons. Chen Wentian almost had to turn away from the disturbing sight. When the young man laughed, it was even and mellow, an ambiguously attractive voice. If Chen Wentian's eyes were not open, he would have guessed the voice to belong to a woman. But since he knew the truth, it grated painfully against his ear, almost drawing blood.

"You flatter me, Sir Chen," Peng Xiling said, "You are even better than me. I am older than you and yet I cannot gauge your cultivation. You have truly opened my eyes to the wonders of true talent."

"Perhaps, but my talent still pales in the face of immortals. I still have to work hard." Chen Wentian said modestly.

"Indeed, indeed. Sir Chen is talented and wise as well. I, Xiling, appreciate such people the most!"

Chen Wentian's head spun. He didn't care about a stranger's praise. Instead, he was alarmed by Peng Xiling's attitude and aura. It was not arrogant and overbearing like most core disciples of immortal sects. The young man was refreshing, attractive, and made Chen Wentian feel like there was something wrong.

"Do you have confidence in crossing the bridge?" Peng Xiling asked.

"I don't know but I will know when I step upon it." Chen Wentian replied.

Peng Xiling chuckled, "Brother Chen, let's have a bet. If I can cross the bridge, I will share a toast of the best wine with you as a celebration. If you cross without me, then you must treat me to some wine as consolation."

Chen Wentian snorted in annoyance, "Seems like you are taking advantage of me either way. I'll pass."

Peng Xiling tried a few more times to strike up a conversation but Chen Wentian remained stoic. He didn't know why the strange young man was so interested in him. He didn't like men and he didn't make friends with men.

Soon, their turn came and Peng Xiling drew his sword. "Brother Chen, watch me!"

Peng Xiling walked up to the bridge and lifted his slender sword.

"Lonely Sword Wanderer!"

The prime sword art of the Tower of Swords activated, surrounding his grey robes with tiny flying swords made of spiritual energy. It was as if a fluttering wind was blowing a cloud of shiny petals around his body.

Peng Xiling stepped forward confidently but that confidence only lasted a few seconds. He soon started to struggle, furrowing his brow prettily as each step became more and more difficult. At the center bridge, he hit the wall.

The sword around his body shimmered and finally shattered. His grey robes were sliced apart by whatever sword energy he had been fighting against. The sleeve of his right arm was shredded until pure white skin was revealed, as flawless as the most precious alabaster.

"Eee!" Peng Xiling gave an uncharacteristic squeal and retreated.

Trying but failing to hide his bare arm, he fled off the bridge and to the side of the tunnel.

"Don't look!" He said to no one in particular.

Somehow, Chen Wentian felt that statement was directed at him which made him even more confused. Was there any reason for a man to be so shy about revealing a bit of skin? Did this surnamed Peng have opposite tastes?

Chen Wentian stepped up to the bridge. He put side stray thoughts of the effeminate man behind him and focused on the task at hand. The barrier of sword Dao on the bridge resisted his intrusion but he fought back with his secret sword art. With only a slight effort, he managed to push through to the other side.

"Wow, Brother Chen is amazing! Wait, Brother Chen... wait!"

Chen Wentian blocked Peng Xiling's voice and escaped.

That person's beauty was too unnatural and too fearsome. It raised too many strange questions and filled the back of Chen Wentian's mind with frightening thoughts. It was better to get as far away, as quickly as possible!


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