Planning More Experiments

Time seemed to slow as Chen Wentian and Zhou Ziyun entered their own bubble. Beams of sunlight from the windows slowly moved across bookshelves and aisles. Their backs were warmed by the yellow glow but it failed to distract the two.

He didn't know when he added a second finger. His fingers rubbed the sensitive folds inside her with force and enthusiasm. His fingertips pressured some of her most sensitive spots over and over in a beckoning motion, inviting her to come again.

By now, Zhou Ziyun was leaning heavily on the table with her elbows. Her hands were still clenched into fists but a few strands of hair had fallen out of place and were hiding her eyes. He could still see her lips, pursed tightly as if struggling mightily with a difficult problem.

He knew she was close. He recognized her expression. His smile widening, he repositioned his hand and moved a thumb to her clit. While maintaining a shallow thrust with two fingers, he rubbed slow circles around her most delicate nub.

She let out another moan as she shuddered uncontrollably. It wasn't an orgasm just yet but it was almost as good. Her shoulders sagged and her head tilted to one side. Her breathing became heavy. He could almost taste the pleasure she must be feeling.

He brushed aside the tender folds around her clit and teased her mercilessly. He increased his pace even as her breaths became ragged. Round and round, he circled her button of pleasure and sent her to heaven as only he could.

When she finally came, he didn't sense it so much as felt it on his fingers. Her pussy clenched tight, almost preventing him from pulling out. Along with quivers and undulations, there was a great gush of moisture as she unleashed her pent-up arousal.

Being a good master and lover, Chen Wentian helped clean up the mess he had a hand in causing. He left barely any trace of his misdeeds, only a slightly wet patch in her undergarments.

Zhou Ziyun recovered around the same time and shot him a look filled with meaning, "Master, I will repay the favor when I get back."

Chen Wentian understood and smiled. Being a substitute body, he knew that some disciples were more cautious of him in this form than others. Zhou Ziyun had always been ambivalent so he only went as far as using his fingers. It seemed that she preferred to keep it that way.

Thinking about this, he was reminded of Bei Yingluo. She was the only other disciple he had done this with. He had helped her break through to the Mind Focusing Realm and also fingered her in the process. But even with her, he had never gone any further. It was like an invisible barrier that neither he nor his disciples wanted to cross.

"Master," Zhou Ziyun's voice was clear and flat, already back to business as if nothing had happened, "I've read so many books and records about gifts and bloodlines but this is all still a brand-new subject for me. Can you tell me what you think about it and if you have any suspicions?"

Chen Wentian chuckled and shook his head, "I have given this some thought but I don't know much else. For you and Yingluo, it will simply take more time and research. But as for Chengcheng, I have noticed something."

He then went on to describe the strangeness of her spiritual sea and the existence of several stars above her spiritual sea that seemed to be linked to others. The link was a mystery that he didn't quite understand but she seemed to be able to form one if she was able to achieve an orgasm at the same time as someone else within close proximity.

His link to her was the only one for a long time. She could sometimes see temporary stars in her spiritual sea when others had orgasms near her but his star was the only one that persisted afterward. At least, that was until a few days ago when she reported that she now also had a permanent link with Su Yue after the two of them had masturbated next to each other and had come at the exact same time.

"Really…" Zhou Ziyun said, "A link through simultaneous orgasms? Synchronization? How is that even possible?"

"I don't know. Chengcheng is just weird like that." He said with shrug.

"It's a serious matter!" She rebuked, "What effects does this link have on her, on you?"

"As far as I know, it has no effect on me. She did mention that she would feel more aroused than normal out of blue. When we compared the times, they lined up with when I was having sex with someone else."

"You should have told me earlier." She said and quickly scribbled some notes, "This is a tremendous development. We definitely need to set up an experiment as soon as we get back."

"Oh, are you going to be participating in said experiment?" He asked eagerly.

She studied him expressionlessly, "I'll let you know."

"Come on!"

"You'll just have to wait and see." She said and pretended to stick her nose in the ancient books once more.

Chen Wentian had no words to retort for her impertinence. He briefly considered punishing her with his fingers but thought better of it. If he did that again, he might not be able to control his own urges. Instead, he focused on more serious topics and also perused a few old parchments.

"Say, speaking of experiments…" He said as he entertained a vague idea, "What kind of experiment would be best for Yingluo to test out her powers? I haven't been able to think of anything useful…"

"Sister Bei? Tell me more…"

The two of the discussed the matter in detail. Chen Wentian had let Bei Yingluo participate in many local missions. Those included clearing out demon infestations and subjugating areas ruled by various beast species. In all of these, she had managed to activate her hidden power only once. Now, he was running out of missions for her to do and he felt that they were a waste of time anyway.

Zhou Ziyun felt that his approach was too conservative. She felt that they needed to increase the difficulty in order to find the correct triggers for her powers. Nothing else could be done to develop her cultivation path until they established this baseline.

Ultimately, she suggested two options. One was to drastically increase the difficulty of missions and have her fight opponents that were one realm above her. The other was to invest in some kind of dream array where she could be put through unreasonable scenarios that were impossible in real life. This way, they could determine the full extent of her triggers.

He liked both ideas and decided to look into them as soon as possible.


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