City Lord Chang Ping

The next morning, the Bei Clan gathered their people and headed to the city lord's manor. They left all the pregnant women and weaker members behind. Bei Yingluo led the group which consisted of four aunts and fourteen husbands and fiancés. They were all at the Spirit Initiate Realm except for her.

Bei Yingluo walked with a spring in her step. She was energized by the thrilling night with her master. His instruction for her to be wild was still fresh in her mind.

The group made their way through the morning rush and arrived at the expansive manor of the city lord. It was made of sand and bricks like the rest of the city but it occupied a large area. A row of guards blocked the entrance.

"I am Bei Yingluo, disciple of Ten Thousand Flower Valley." Bei Yingluo said, raising her sect badge, "I want an audience with the city lord!"

The guards stood firm, "Lord Chang Ping is not seeing guests at this moment. If you want to see him, you can try to make an appointment."

Bei Yingluo looked at their slimy faces and recognized a few from yesterday. Since they didn't want to play nice, she also wasn't going to be courteous.

In a flash, the Jade Tusk Spear appeared in her hand. The weapon emitted a sharp and indomitable aura as she pointed it at the nearest guard.

"My word carries the will of the lord of Ten Thousand Flower Valley. Tell Chang Ping to come out or else I will knock down his entry gate!"

She couldn't help but smile after saying such brash words. It felt great to throw her master's name around. Although she was the eleventh disciple, she was still the prized disciple of an immortal. This was her privilege!

The guards recoiled at her challenge. Threatening to destroy the entrance gate was indeed a heavy insult toward the city lord but they were simple mortals and had no desire to seek death.

"Wait a moment!"

A pair of guards rushed inside.

After a few moments, they came back out with relieved expressions, "Lord Chang Ping invites the Bei Clan inside to chat."

"Good," Bei Yingluo pulled back her spear but did not put it away, "Lead the way."

The guards opened a path and the Bei Clan group went inside. They passed through a richly decorated courtyard and through a verdant garden that seemed out of place in a desert. There was even a pond with running water.

"Heh…" Bei Yujing laughed mockingly, "The city lord sure knows how to enjoy life. Water is so precious for the ordinary people and yet he can waste it like this."

Several others joined in with their own jeers. To the Bei Clan, the city lord was their least favorite person.

The guards said nothing and they eventually reached the main hall. The double doors opened and Bei Yingluo led her contingent inside. The city lord was sitting on a raised platform, like a king.

"Ah, the Bei Clan, welcome back to Drifting Sand City!" He said brightly.

His voice was far more attractive than his looks. This Chang Ping might have been a relatively handsome man in his youth but he was now a fat ass from years of living in luxury.

"Lord Chang Ping," Bei Yingluo greeted him with a slight nod of the head. This would have normally been considered rude but not for someone of her status. "I come this morning regarding my Bei Clan's ancestral home. We came back yesterday and found that it has been taken over by your people who claimed that it was the property of the city lord. We, the Bei Clan, do not ask for much, only that you remove your people from our land."

Chang Ping studied Bei Yingluo for a moment before scoffing loudly, "My Drifting Sand City is no longer the same as before. Since the monster invasion, many new policies and laws have been put in place. Your Bei Clan manor was taken to pay for damages caused by the beast siege and the hordes of beasts breaking through the walls."

He shook his head and continued, "That land no longer belongs to you. But its measly value can't even cover the cost of your incompetence. You're lucky I haven't imposed additional fines on you."

Those words incensed Bei Yingluo but before she could reply, her first aunt beat her to it.

"Utter rubbish!" Bei Yujing shouted, "The Bei Clan sacrifices their lives to protect this city. And this is what we get in return? The beasts broke through because of your incompetence! If you hadn't kept a large number of guards in reserve to protect your own properties, we could have held the walls!"

"Insolence!" Chang Ping retorted with equal fire. He slammed his fists into the table before him, "I am the city lord of Drifting Sand City. Guards, come! Take these people down!"

At his command, well-armed guards emerged and surrounded the Bei Clan people. The door to the main hall was also closed to cut off their path of retreat.

"You dare?" Bei Yujing spat, "Do you want to make enemies with an immortal sect? Are you tired of living?"

Chang Ping was unmoved. It was as if he had no care of the threat. It was strange for a mortal to act like this. There were only two possibilities. The first was that he really was tired of living. The second was that he had a great power backing him and protecting his life.

Bei Yingluo raised her spear, "If you want to fight, then let's fight!"

"Get them!"


The guards closed ranks and pressed into them.

The Bei Clan came this morning ready for a battle. They threw themselves into the fray without hesitation. In addition to Bei Yingluo, her four aunts also showcased their Bei Family Spear art. Their spears cracked heads open and poked holes in bodies. It was an art well-suited for fighting many enemies and each woman turned into a bloody whirlwind.

The men of the Bei Clan were not far behind. No longer burdened with protecting the pregnant women and the infants, they each turned into lions and tigers. An array of weapons clashed with the guards' swords. Even against unfair odds, they stood their ground.

The battle inside the main hall turned into a wild melee. The city guards had the numbers but their morale was low. The Bei Clan were supported by the will of their immortal lord. They felt invincible. Even Bei Yingluo was performing very well against opponents a whole realm above her by simply letting her weapon do most of the work.

Feeling that the battle was starting to turn, First Aunt Bei Yujing set her sights on the city lord who was still sitting comfortably on his throne. His smug face made her even angrier. She let out a shout and leaped towards him with her spear pointed straight at his throat.

The city lord was stunned for a moment. But before the spear could skewer him like a pig, a sword appeared out of nowhere and deflected the attack.


Bei Yujing instantly backed away several meters. Her spear still trembled from the force of the hidden expert's attack.

"Really, what a rude woman!" A coy voice interrupted the fighting.

A slender woman appeared from behind the city lord. She could not be considered a great beauty but all men's eyes were become glued to her for one simple reason, she was wearing hardly anything at all.


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