The Encounter.....

Hum.....the sound of breathing while running heavily. "Ahhh!!! Am gonna be late. Why did I have to wake up late today." Krystal spoke to herself while running on her way to school.

When she arrived at her school she sighed and said, "Wow!!! Am safe. At least am not late for school."

"Krystal!!!!!" called aloud from the side, by Suzy and Mina.

"Yes!! Besties." Krystal replied waving her hand and went towards them and they entered the class together as usual.

As they were about to start their class, two new transferred students entered the class and every girls started to make them their own ideal types and the two transferred students were Richard and his friend. As they entered the class, the teacher introduced them and gave them their respective seats and the interesting thing was that the seat near Krystal was empty, so the teacher made Richard sit next to Krystal.

Krystal became nervous and aware that all the girls began to feel jealous of her and was beginning to hate her as usual by backbiting about her and saying that she was not worthy of seating beside Richard, but Krystal quickly ignored them and she began to pay heed to the class that was going on. At first she thought of introducing herself to Richard, but she thought others might get the wrong idea that she was also a fan of Richard so she stopped.

"Ting..." The bell rang for the classes to finish and as they were about to leave the school, Richard surprisingly gave a look at her which was noticed by their classmates which led the other girls to bully her as they were about to leave the class, but Krystal quickly ignored them and left the school.

On returning home she entered her room and laid down on her bed and thought why Richard gave her that look, making her day feel more worse at the end of the day. She decided to ask him why he gave that look the next day...