Revival Jewel

While Jay was waiting for the right timing to charge through the zombies in front of them, it was at this moment when King Augustine suddenly opened his eyes.


Getting bit on the shoulder by her own father, Princess Lilliane shouted loudly and pushed him away.

"Your Majesty, have you gone mad?!"

"Everyone! Restrain the King! He is acting violently like those madmen from the plaza."

Surprised at their king's sudden attack towards their princess, a few guards nearby decided to temporarily hold the king down, at least until he calms down.

"Princess Lilliane! Are you okay?"

Lilliane's personal knight asked, feeling ashamed of himself for allowing the princess to receive harm, even if it was from the king.

"Y-yes, I appear to be fine."

"The priest has arrived!"

Somebody shouted out loud as soon as he noticed a man in a beige robe following two guards who were leading him over here.

"Priest Taylor, can you please heal the princess and his Majesty?"

"Huff… Fuu..."

Unable to reply right away, priest Taylor was currently out of breath. They ran the whole way from the church to the plaza, and he was out of shape due to his old age.

"Give me a moment... Okay, [Heal]."

Princess Lilliane's bite mark on her shoulder quickly healed; the wound closed and was replaced with new skin.

"Okay, you'll be fine now."

After priest Taylor healed Princess Lilliane, he looked over towards King Augustine, who was currently being held down by a few guards, incapacitating him.

"Before I heal his Majesty, can somebody please tell me what's going on?" Priest Taylor asked, confused at the moans and growls emitted by the King.

"We aren't too sure either. A feral dog attacked and bit off half of his arm earlier, causing his Majesty to die from blood loss. However, he quickly regained consciousness and proceeded to attack the princess."

The guard closest to priest Taylor narrated the whole event that occurred, even though he didn't know how their King managed to come back to life. He guessed it was probably the effect of a legendary artifact that would revive the user after death.

Processing what the guard told him, priest Taylor decided to try healing the King for now.

"Guards, don't let go of his Majesty while I try to heal him. [Heal]."

Some light bruises on King Augustine began to disappear and the bleeding on his arm stopped.


However, King Augustine was still growling with saliva dripping out of his mouth.

"Hmm… next, let's try [Cure Ailment]."

A dim light shone briefly on King Augustine's body, nonetheless his condition remained the same, emitting growling noises.

"Doesn't look like that worked either. Seems like I can only use my best skill. If this doesn't work, I'm afraid that I won't be able to help the King. [Mystic Blessing]."

[Mystic Blessing] is a skill that allows a priest to bring back a person from the verge of death while removing all curse, ailment, and debuff on a target. However, this skill can only be cast once a year, and using it would render the user to be unable to use any of his skills for a month.

Shortly after using [Mystic Blessing], King Augustine's torn arm slowly grew back. His face also regained its original color, which contrasted the paleness from earlier.

Drained of all his mana, priest Taylor slumped down to the floor, sweating heavily while gasping for breath.

"Huff… Did… Huff… Did it work?"

Regrettably, the zombie virus was neither a curse, an ailment, nor a debuff. It infected a person's cells, transforming it into something completely different.

The result of using [Mystic Blessing] was… more growling from the King.


"Fuck! This didn't work either," one of the king's personal knights swore loudly.

Frustrated at the lack of result even with the [Mystic Blessing] cast by priest Taylor, all the guards as well as Princess Lilliane became silent.

Suddenly, Princess Lilliane's personal knight thought of something.

"Hey guys! What if we use a Revival Jewel or Crystallized Fairy Tear on his Majesty!?"

"Revival Jewel? Crystallized Fairy Tear? What are those?"

This question was asked by nearly everyone around them, however Princess Lilliane gasped in surprise.

"Ah! A Revival Jewel can resurrect anybody back to life as long as their body hadn't decayed yet. However, I haven't heard of the Crystallized Fairy Tear before, what does it do?" Lilliane directed her question towards her personal knight who mentioned those two items.

"Back when I was an adventurer, there were rumours that those two items were discovered in the Dungeon. However, the traps leading to it killed half of the party that found it."

"Wait… were they able to get the items? If not, how were they able to find out about it?"

"One of the adventurers in that party was a high leveled Thief. She used the skills [Treasure Perception] and [Inspect] at the same time, allowing her to take a peek at the treasure on that floor. However, she only managed to get a very small amount of detail about the Revival Jewel due to her low level. As for the Crystallized Fairy Tear, her [Inspect] skill only showed the item's name."

"What happened after that?"

"The thief discovered that the Revival Jewel can bring a person back to life. However, after losing half of her party, they left empty-handed. The remaining party members then tried to recruit more people to get the two treasures. I was nearby at the time and heard them mention it during their recruitment. Although I was tempted, I declined them. However, I haven't heard of any news about them ever since."

"I see… I only remembered about the details of the Revival Jewel because my father mentioned it in the past. I didn't expect you to know about it as well." Feeling proud of her personal knight, Princess Lilliane commended him for opening up another option for her.

"Guards! Listen up! Lock my father in the underground prison for now and form a party to retrieve the Revival Jewel in the Dungeon! I believe my father is dead and being controlled by somebody, so we will resurrect him with this legendary item!"

Princess Lilliane commanded all the guards around her, knowing that her father wouldn't blame anyone for locking him up in the dungeon while he is dead and being controlled.

"Yes, Princess!"

All the nearby guards saluted and answered respectfully.

"I will be returning to the royal castle now. The rest of you, control the frenzy at the plaza and report back to me when you have the situation under control."


Princess Lilliane retreated back towards the castle with her personal knight following after her.

For some reason, she began to feel weak and nauseous earlier, so she wanted to rest in her room right away.

Following after the guards that were dragging her father, she ensured that her father was brought to the underground prison before she went towards her room.

"I'm not feeling well at the moment, so I will be taking a nap for awhile."

"Got it. I'll be outside if you need something, Princess Lilliane."

Explaining her actions to her personal guard, she then entered her room and closed the door.

Lying down on her fluffy bed, she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Unbeknownst to anyone, shortly after Princess Lilliane fell asleep on the bed, she stopped breathing and died. By the time she reached her room, approximately 25 minutes had passed since she was bitten by her father.


While Princess Lilliane was talking with her guards, most of their conversation was drowned out by all the shouting, screaming, and clanging of metal around the plaza.

However, Kio, Jay, and a few others managed to pick up a few words from what Princess Lilliane shouted.

Words such as 'Revival Jewel', 'Resurrection', and 'Dungeon' sparked an interest in the few people who heard it.

Keeping this information in the back of his mind, Kio reminded himself to make a trip to the Dungeon in the future once he gets stronger.

'With how dangerous this world is, I better secure the Revival Jewel in case any of us dies.'

Although Kio wanted the Revival Jewel as an insurance for his group, Jay wanted to get the item for his own benefit, believing that only he deserves to use such a valuable item since he is the hero of this world.

The others all had their own plans with the Revival Jewel if they managed to get it.

With all sorts of schemes being planned by each of them, the difficulty of retrieving the Revival Jewel has increased exponentially.

'Before worrying about the Revival Jewel, I gotta focus on safely getting out of here first with Yuki and Riko.'

Kio thought, trying to regain his focus on the zombies in front of him.