Suspicious People Inside the Building

Shortly after Kio got knocked out of the shadows and consumed an invisibility leaf, Miyu quickly made her way to him. When they first used the invisibility leaf, they already realized that they were able to see each other. Kio assumed it was due to the effects of adding her into the party, so he tested it by removing Miyu from the party, then quickly inviting her back into it.

However, even though he tested one function, the thought of testing what would cause the invisibility to wear off had slipped their minds as they were too worried about the other girls. In addition, they were also about to leave the village at that moment.

Therefore, when the invisibility wore off after Kio threw some knives at Ray, they were both surprised by it.

As Miyu checked to see how severe Kio's injuries were, she took out some potions from her inventory and poured it over his wounds. Since it was dangerous to pour a drink into an unconscious person's mouth, this was the only method she could think of.

Fortunately, pouring a potion over the wound still had some effect, as his external wounds closed up a bit and stopped bleeding. She then took out some bandages and wrapped the wounds on his body.

After the makeshift medical treatment was done, Miyu then lifted his arms over her shoulder as she carried him out of the alley. She wanted to drag him to somewhere safe before their invisibility wore off, since she wasn't sure if she would be able to feed him another invisibility leaf while he was unconscious.

Seeing how important the invisibility leaves were for his battles, Miyu immediately discarded all her previous thoughts about using it to tease him. As long as he was safe, she would even give the rest of the leaves to him. However, she could easily predict that Kio would force her to keep a few of the leaves for herself, as it would give her another tool to stay alive in this world.

While she walked out of the alley with Kio on her shoulders, she realized that he wasn't as heavy as she had expected.

"Is this due to the effects of the Blood Flower petals and the other herbs…?"

Even though she voiced her question out loud, nobody was able to answer it.

As she carefully made her way through the streets, Miyu avoided the zombies in case they were somehow able to discover them. She had been shifting her gaze from side to side, trying to find a building to take shelter in.

After walking through a few streets, she finally found a building that looked relatively sturdy compared to the rest. The doors were shut and the windows on the first floor were narrow enough to prevent the zombies from entering.

Miyu walked to the front door and tried to open it, but she wasn't able to do so. Not being able to force the door open was a good thing though, as that meant it wouldn't be so easily knocked down.

She then walked around the building as she looked for another point of entry. On one side of the building, she noticed that the windows on the second floor were wide enough for a person to fit through.

Thus, she grabbed some of the wooden crates and barrels nearby as she stacked it neatly on top of each other. After she stacked enough of them so that she could reach the window, she knew the hard part would be next.

A lot of time passed as she struggled to carry Kio with her to the highest crate. If it wasn't for the fact that she had strengthened her body previously, she wouldn't even be able to lift him onto the first box.

After a long and arduous endeavor, Miyu finally managed to push Kio through the window. She had already taken a look through the window earlier to make sure the bedroom door was closed, and there were no zombies inside the room.


A muffled noise soon followed after Kio landed on the floor, since Miyu had already thrown some of her clothes through the window to soften the impact for him. Shortly after, Miyu also entered the room as she pulled herself through the window.

Coincidentally, the effects of the invisibility leaf had worn off at that moment. Whether it was due to their actions or an hour had passed, Miyu didn't know since she wasn't keeping track of the time.

Less than a minute after they both entered the room, the door slightly opened as three pairs of eyes peeked through the gap.

When the people behind the door noticed that it was only a young girl and an injured man inside, they let out a sigh of relief. Next, their eyes locked onto the body of Miyu as they carefully checked her out from top to bottom.

"Show yourselves! Otherwise don't blame me for making the first move!"

Miyu took out a spear from her inventory as she went into a defensive stance.

"W-wait! Don't attack us, we didn't mean to scare you."

As the door opened, three men showed themselves with their hands above their hand. They had raised their weapons above their heads after giving each other a signal with their eyes.

"Who are you guys…?"

"We are C-rank adventurers from this city. I'm guessing you must be new here since you don't recognize us."

"... How did you guys get here?"

Miyu didn't want to reveal too much about herself as she was feeling suspicious about them.

"We came here from the adventurer's building last week after it collapsed. Although there were a lot of zombies everywhere, we somehow managed to reach this place safely."

Miyu caught the keyword in that man's speech, causing her to immediately ask him about it.

"Where did you hear about the zombies?!"

"Huh? Well, there was this A-ranked adventurer that told us about it back then…"

"How long ago was this?"

"It was about a week ago. However, shouldn't you lower your weapon first before you ask us any more questions?"


Despite the fact that Miyu wanted to know more from these guys, she was hesitant about lowering her weapon in front of them.

As you might have guessed already, these three C-ranked adventurers were the ones that had confronted Dan a week ago. After they barely made it out alive, they took shelter in this building and barricaded themselves inside.

This residential building had enough food to keep them alive for the past week, but they had just eaten the last bit of food yesterday. Right when they were trying to figure out what to do next, they heard a noise from upstairs and decided to check it out.

Even though they were starving, the sight of Miyu's lustrous skin and beautiful appearance had caused these guys to desire something else instead of food.

Seeing how Miyu wasn't willing to put away her spear, they decided to change the topic of the conversation. They didn't want to rush things, as they had learned from their mistakes last time when they underestimated Dan and his party.

"What happened to your friend over there?"

"My boyfriend got injured fighting a mutated zombie. However, he should wake up soon since I gave him some potions."

Miyu directly stated her relationship with Kio in an attempt to thwart any perverted intentions from these guys. Even though the guy that was talking to her tried his best to seem normal, she could feel the other two behind him were ogling at her body with fervent desire.

"I see… Do you need any help from us? I could take a look at his wounds if you don't mind."

"No, it's alright… I've already finished bandaging his wounds."

"You really should let us take a look. What if he turns into one of those zombies?"

"He never got scratched or bitten, so that's not going to happen."

"Well, we can't just trust your words. If you plan to stay in this building as well, you need to let us take a look, otherwise we would be worried about our own safety."


Seeing how uncooperative Miyu was, the adventurer who was speaking began to lose his patience.

"Relax. We won't do anything to him. I'll even put away my sword."

After he sheathed his sword, he began to slowly walk towards Kio. He kept his eyes on Miyu the whole time, as he was waiting for an opportunity.

"Girl, watch out behind you! There's a zombie there!"


Miyu didn't even have time to ponder whether his words were logical, as she immediately turned her around to look behind her.

Not willing to let this chance go, the adventurer immediately pounced on her since he had already closed the distance between them to a few meters.