«Rico's POV.»
*Six hours later... Yeah, The meeting took that long after my Fa.. after Mr.Winter left.
I have to remember he is no longer the man I once knew...
I honestly don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing?
There were discussions on everything from government, guilds, wages, economics and status as well as terms of rule.
it was a long boring process but, There was no clear end to it...
They seemed to question everything.
When the professor got up So did Thomas and after that was The General who followed a suited man out some people sat and stayed just to argued.
Some complaints were raised until a woman began handing out papers to every person in the room.
Even I got a set of papers.
it was like she was producing them out of thin air?
After watching her I noticed she was writing them using magic and ink.
She would infuse light mana into the ink manipulating the ink making it a self-writing power.
As an assistant, it seems very useful but she did not seem to be a simple person at least not a simple assistant.
No one disrespected her and every person tried very hard to make little eye contact.
After getting the papers I left like most of the others.
I could pretty much guess most of the arguments and The ends of said arguments.
I don't want to be the lower guy on the totem who ends up being the middle man that both parties turn to as the bullies.
Walking out with the crowd I was not noticed by anyone at least not anyone I wanted to meet.
Or... At least No one who wanted anything to do with me, although I felt the eyes on me.
They did not slow me down!
I got out of the tent by following the crowd not knowing exactly what to do I kept spinning in my mind...
looking down I saw the paper noticing it said:
"Contract Of Status".
I read it through and the basic version is this would give Me or anyone who received them benefits from the governmental system.
In tandem with the creation of the guild system and civilian system.
Those with these credentials will be able to get assistance from all three not just the lesser two.
Why Does it seem like everyone pretty much considers this apocalypse level event as over?
Well, I guess it makes sense to move on but isn't it too quick if they are making guild and government rules.
I assume this is all my... no, I assume it is mister winters doing.
Or Solomons plan maybe he wants to help?
Yeah thats not what is happening by any means...
Although I have to admit my plans are the same.
A kingdom Huh.
That is fine But what would it be like?
Those Who can only plan For the now are not able to plan for the future.
Putting the paper inside a pocket on the inside of my tunic-style shirt underneath this Is cloth wrap shirt.
It is comfy with more room than I anticipated noticing the four pockets inside the tunic the sleeves are the arms of the under wrap making quick access.
Looking around I saw a directory and a giant map.
Which to be honest it looked more like a poster board with hundreds of notes from the groups here.
It made me a bit happier But thinking about my situation is the last thing I need to be doing.
what I need to do is focus on the things I need.
I don't need to worry about settlements, or anything really.
More and more safe areas will begin to sprout up especially at a quicker pace with assistance from the systems to put in place it seems like it will smooth things out rather nicely.
The government takes care of all defensive plays over foreign growth.
While the kingdoms dull out the gains establishing trades, crafts, and much more for future economic growth.
All the while guild members and the civilians whom work those guild have clear power over the formalities of being allowed to choose between the best choice.
Allowing for fair growth in the economy no one person can achieve victory, But as the power of one group grows.
The power of us as a whole grows.
It is a triangle that can only work if no one truly looks back.
By pushing forward and establishing the three as a whole government grows in power, kingdoms grow in wealth, and guilds grow in communities.
Eventually all three powers become the pillars that move us together as a species.
I really appreciate the adaptive power we have...
While walking being lost In my own thoughts, I bumped into a Chubby red-haired guy who was completely bald Headed!
I know what your thinking...
He has red hair, Seriously bright Red he has Bright red eyebrows and goatee.
it perfectly complements his eyes and the sheen of his head should not be taken lightly...
Blinding in so many ways, the senses are burdened trying to take in the overload.
he didn't speak to me at all but looked at me with Wide-eyes before he grabbed my arm and coaxed me along.
again the entire trip was silent?
while looking around at the Spanish style buildings and the artworks that seem to have not aged nor taken damage at all.
there was a small-time when the fat man stopped and spoke to a lady in clothes like mine except she was a bit more extravagant with a certain feminine persuasion.
Mountains... Looking past her I saw Mountains that were moving!!
She spoke about the abilities of shifting chi to mold the landscape.
Along with the changes one can feel in the land by being stable and centered.
After His stop We walked Into a few other places I had no clue where Or, why?
He was taking me around it was soothing though before I knew it I was just going with the flow.
We Ended Up on the opposite side of the presidio not across the bridge it was blocked off by boulders.
Just the other side of the fields and closer to the mountains that seemed to be growing, moving, or maybe Its not.
It may be that I am just seeing things.
We stopped in a small stall in some side ally between two old Spanish buildings the theme made it hard To see.
Despite that It was busy, The withdrawals from food made me almost hurl.
My dismay colored on my face he began to speak to me. *
Theodore Cross: Do you not like the smell?
Rico: No i was in a coma like condition, I haven't eaten anything and the smell made my stomach hurt.
Don't get me wrong it's From hunger it smells so good...
Theodore: Theodore Cross, you can call me Theo, I can see you are Hungry!
Never fear or starve The fact is that this is a... No this is the best Noodle bar and it is thriving!
Two bowls please!
Attendant: Come up!
Rico: Why are they all acting like this is over?
Theo: well man what can I say it's been months things have only gotten worse...
Why not give up and party a bit let loose!
It may be all the time we have left on this ever changing earth.
I mean the legal age was Dropped to thirteen, There are freaking guilds, bro, like from a video game, There is the free right of purchase!
I can buy and sell whatever it is I want!
I can eat for free!!!
Rico: I see...
Theo: look dude my dad's a general... most of the people left are kids or adults with some sort of shady business.
Don't act like your not loving it, even with all the loss deep down man, you gotta be enjoying this...
I know I am.
I lost my mother... my big Brother.
my uncle, he died saving me from a goblin that I eventually ate!
Wouldn't you say that is karma at its finest?
Rico: So you ate him and he ate your uncle... doesn't that mean you are the one who ate It and your uncles remains?
Theo: haha yeah... now that I think about it I regret saying that out loud just a little bit.
Rico: yeah... anyway why did you drag me around and what is it you want?
Theo: is it always business with you?
Rico: don't answer a question with a question it makes you look stupid.
Theo: There are no stupid questions!
the only thing that makes you look stupid is staying quite when there is a chance to gain power through knowledge!
And I just learned something about you.
You need a friend!
Stop looking at me stupidly have a meal.
Its free!
Rico: fine I accept. Let's eat.
Theo: Okay good, now let's get down to business!
shop keep Can you also Bring One Big Plate Of mystery meat!
shopkeep: why are you always So Damn noisy can you never order like a sane person!
Theo: I am noisy because that's my nature!
I pay good money to get this round figure!
Shop Owner: You pay No-ting Piggy!
Its all free!
Theo: You know what make that two mystery meat meals and two flagons of howl mead!!
shopkeep: aye yah! always so noisy!
Rico: I see you must be the kind of guy who knows everyone...
Theo: I come here every day since the settlements has been established here.
I found it by accident one day a herd ran through and we had to hide I chose this alley like a few other people.
The Man who owns this shop.
Well, he died protecting us from a Lion like beast...
after that, a few of us came here just to meet and trade MRE meals or find things we liked, maybe we just had trouble getting by.
We needed this place, Then we all learned that bubbles over their came from Japan and worked as a Noodle master in a real Noodle shop.
one day this man asked if it was ours She said yeah, So they would over run the place, It was an argument at first but they let us use the kitchen.
along with the ally and that's that!
she now works as the chef here she makes us meals and trades for anything meats, plants, and even the rations.
it is more or less just meat...
everyone you see here has come over the last few months.
There are some rather new people since the convoy arrived a week and a half ago.
We That have been here since the beginning have thinned out since that last attack.
Rico: you keep saying we? your not used to being alone are you?
Theo: haha you got me. but that's not Why I drug you with me!
I did that because, When I saw the look on your face you reminded me of my older brother...
Rico: There is nothing to exploit from me, so I would only waste your time.
Theo: no no no! you got the wrong idea I don't mean it like that.
I am not looking to exploit you.
if anything it would be the other way around.
but I don't think you are like that you are a rare type...
Anyway, I was thinking more of a team effort thing.
Rico: what's the catch?
Why are you alone?
Theo: haha always business...
To be honest, The catch is I am not a fighter.
The reason I am alone is because I am not a fighter.
My friend he died because I was weak.
You are the boy that my father, Mister winter, and many others put resources on the line.
For what reason though?
The girlfriend you came with is one of the few tamer types and she is strong with her companion.
so I figured you were strong also and when I saw your eyes.
It reminded me of my brother and here we are.
the reason I am alone is that even if I try I can never be a fighter like others... I got someone killed in a simple raid.
Rico: I am sorry to say Rory, isn't my girlfriend.
Rory Quinn is her name and she is a lot stronger than me.
Most of my time has been spent in a coma, Or locked away in a hole.
She may Not even need me or want me to accompany her.
We haven't... I haven't... For all that put something on the line for me.
I thank them but I am weak.
Theo: Well, she is a huntress and I have had the courtesy of talking to her.
As a matter of fact, she is the person who will be joining us soon.
but for now, please enjoy the meal, like I said I drug you here for No real reason besides the fact that you needed a friend!
Rico: I see!?
Theo: The first is a proposal for you alone.
How you take It, Well thats up to you.
The Rest I will explain when she gets here...
*As he was speaking our meal arrived after a quick set of calculations I came to the conclusion.
I was out for two month and seventeen days.
And I Was Starving!!!!!*
*I was even further behind than I had thought, he explained to me that all the regions left in the United Nations were to be renamed Regional A, Region J, Region C, and Region G.
Alpha was not a region But More of a un established base region.
While I was out Rory told my ideas to winter.
Him being the person he is always using the best plan.
Makes me feel a little better, but not by much.
Of all the things Thomas has kept most of the information I had Given them on the down-low, he used some of it but has kept it mostly to himself.
Thomas, professor, and winter have all used it for their gain, looping General Cross Into it as a lackey or a patsy honestly... feeling the sliver of guilt.*
* I decided the best option was to at the least hear him out.
It turns out Rory has become a well-known provider in the ways that we learned to survive.
What surprises me is that she hasn't moved on?
She has hatched some of the eggs I heard, She has sold them also which is useful.
There turned out to be others who chose to be Tamers to although, No one beside her has shown any true prowess.
For her, it's her subclass, not her main class which is the Silver huntress.
Noticing that I was staring into space While eating Theo started up again.*
Theo: Ah I love this place! So what are your plans for the future?
Rico: Live like a n Emperor!
Theo: that's vague?
Nothing in between?
No adventure?
Rico: honestly No...
Theo: Great!
Then this is my proposal You are alone in this world.
Let me be your brother at arms!
Let me Lead you on that adventure!
Rico: I am listening.
Theo: Lets Start a guild!
Rico: NO!
Theo: Why man?
We could be Officials, Leaders of an industry!
Considering I have had the chance to meet you.
To know you and the strength you have...
Rico: I am first of all not one to follow rules and I am certainly nothing close to leader material.
as for Rory, She has had ample time to choose her own path.
I am surprised she hasn't moved on.
That being said I have spent most of my time in a coma or trapped...
So im a lot weaker than you think.
Theo: For a guy, everyone put resources on the line for you certainly give little in return.
Rico: I never asked for their help, I just gave them information they could use.
but I won't deny that it is all that got me here...
Theo: who says you have to be the leading man? why not ask your girlfriend to do it.
as for following rules, there is no need for rules, Or make the damned rules up as you go!
Rory: who the hell said I wanted to be the leader!
Fat ass Why are you poaching my property!
* Being unable to look, Rory in the eyes I tried to look everywhere else.
but the more I looked elsewhere the more I was drawn to her she was absolutely gorgeous.
I have been traveling with her for months now.
it finally struck me, time... so much has gone by it's been months since the world went to hell.
how am I to make up for My foolishness.
how am I to act?
if I planned for the future what is it in the past that I am still holding onto?
Eventually looking her in the eyes after catching her sharp gaze I sized her up for absolutely no reason. *
*she was wearing a females wuxia kimono that was black purple with silver embroidery.
I can see that it was armored like mine with those silvery feathers from plush.
it matched her hair and eyes ever so perfectly I realized she was even scarier than normal I saw her hand move.*
I flinched but instead of the crass, pain giving Rory I expected!
I got a soft touch a hug that made me do a double-take. I heard words that made me happy and scared.*
Rory: I will make things clear to you fat ass!
This Is My property.
That is the last time I tell you!
*looking at her I could only laugh.*
Rico: yes ma'am.
Theo: and here you said she wasn't your girlfriend!
Rory: He is my property and I am his queen don't mistake that for some stupid little romance.!
Theo: the roleplay is real with you two.
anyhow he accepted my proposal now let's go on an adventure!
Rico: When did I ever say yes?
Theo: I see where you are going with that but before you say no...
Think about it for a minute.
Rory: are we really all thinking the same thing...
Theo: if it's about making our own kingdom, then yep!
Rico: so How will we make a squad, gather enough to form a party, or make a guild.
The presidio will be a good starting base until we find a suitable place.
Theo: hell yeah we can be the post-apocalyptic Guild gang!
Rory: We are so not calling it that...
Rico: Since we are getting swept up in the flow, I want another bowl of Noodle!