Royal Raven Corp.

*After a while of waiting, which no one minded as it allowed us to get to know each other a bit better I found out the little kid look alike Doug, is twenty-nine and his younger brother.

Whom looks like he is forty is actually twenty-four!

They are brothers (younger) Len and (older) Doug Kanter.

Doug was a man who got cancer and was on his death bed before this all went to shit.

The mana seems to have cured him, Or in the very least repaired some damage. *

*He is okay but it has taken a while for his body to normalize from the near death state.

He looks like a ten or twelve Year old kid...

Len has been working for both of them and they have been trading food for metalwork And leatherwork, which is nice to see they have outlets to occupy.

Rory has been hunting with plush and has been one of the top ten providers as she can kill orcs.

As for plush It seems he can take on three or four at a time so she is safe thanks to him.*

*Perv has been training with Thomas in hand to hand combat because of her finishing up with Lala and that torture training.

I got to talk to perv and she was able to talk in subtle sentences some of it was clear other parts were not but still it was great progress.

And it was english!!*

*In honesty seeing her dressed in clothing it has made her seem less of a threat to those that have seen her, as just a goblin.

Which is almost everyone here.

let's hope they won't be too bothered when I capture others to figure out my skills... *

*I showed Rory and the rest the bunny it seems like the evil little bastard has the power to show illusions.

So instead of this lovely charm you see a Mini version of the worst monster you have ever seen.

Almost like a nightmare...

I threatened to flick it again and it stopped the glowing crap this time it looked at me with angry eyes.*

*I had a plan for that, I busted out that carrot thing it did not hesitate to grab it and land on my head.

laughing about that, it seems that to deal with this bunny is as simple as curing its hunger. *

which is easy after the rabbit ate though, I had a feeling that my hunger wasn't so bad...

In any case, Theo came Into the situation while I was playing with the bunny and thinking about how to make this work with Perv!?*

Theo: okay!! I am here!!!

Rory: do you need to always be so loud!

Theo: Well, Yes!

Everyone here I assume was at the civilian meeting right?

well okay, then you know that you all need to register right?

Well how do you feel about registering an extra time?

Rico: what did you do?

Theo: Well that paper you had was a governmental contract of High Status.

You are now the sole owner of Six business contracts, a guild contract, Two corporation contract, one proof of royal status, one proof of political status, a title of land, a resources ticket, And a kingdom creation title.

Rico: what?

Theo: Although I have used two business contracts, one corporation contract, I also filled out the royal proof, political proof, and the resources ticket.

As Your new master merchant, And your first officially appointed Duke.

You are currently the owner of the A Hint of Blood Merchantman Business.

Rico: you said two!?

Theo: Yes, I also started a secondary Business.

Unlisted as of yet, I wanted to consult with you and as for what it would be, I would like to recommend.

A Mercenary Business and I ask that you leave the resources ticket with me and you can have the rest.

Rico: you used my name why?

Theo: Well I can't use my last name twice or there would have been a wait of six weeks by then my brilliant Business name would have been gone.

Rico: okay I see.

what's up with these other things?

Theo: Well I uh... have to explain.

I grabbed a few hundred of these register tags and there is a few cool things about that.

I haven't set the Name or insignia That is for the owner You.

it's like a clan, guild and kingdom.

For you as the Leader of the Guild, Kingdom owner, and political Face.

Everyone Present who registers here today with these little register tags will register under you.

The tag emblem is like mine the first twenty are High status, the next eighty are middle status, and the last hundred are all low status.

As for you, I need you to make an insignia and a corporation name that suits you.

I will also need to make these adjustments today.

Rico: okay. Let's get a move on explaining is in order!

*after a quick discussion with Rory, I think we three came to a conclusion The name of the first business as he said it was already registered under my name.

At this point we just went with it as for the insignia I didn't know what to make it Put on me and I was put on the spot for it...

We still had to go in and register so, We did just that addressing the situation and let everyone know.

quick on the uptake was Doug he asked me a rather serious question which blew me and even Theo was shocked.

but business is business and I think I may really enjoy it...*

Doug: let's talk turkey.

you have two things we want and we have two things you want.

Now as I assume that there were two corporation contracts?

Theo: Ah? yeah, we have one left maybe I did something wrong?

Doug: No that's fine we can compromise.

you still have contracts I can and will make do with...

Rico: okay what is it you are getting at?

Doug: Right, right.

Well, I know you want my brother to be your blacksmith, as you don't intend to continue the trait as a blacksmith alone.

I have seen hands like those, they Itch don't they!

My mother made leather works and she always said hand are like various types of crafts those are the hands of a multi-artist.

Rico: Ah it's just hobby level!

you have my attention though, would you two willingly join?

Theo: But what is it I am missing?

Rico: What are you proposing?

Doug: When We register we will do it under a few conditions!

We are not free!

Rico:... I see.

*Thinking to myself here, I can understand where he is coming from, while they would work under me.

He wouldn't want his brother's work to be branded by my insignia.

Looking at Theo I went to ask a small question that popped up trying not to let it expand.

I was expecting an around the bush answer but it seems both of them had already taken over the conversation.*

Theo: I understand this means You intend to leave at some point and wish to have a backup plan.

Using your brother's insignia you could make a separate corporation, after your fame has taken flight, thus your party is allowed to be free having a way to leave ours.

No problem there is no rules set so we will make the first rule that anyone can leave at any time?

Doug: No... I am not stupid but I do not want you to hold a grudge either!

Rico: So what can be offered and what conditions would you have...

Doug: On this issue when or if we leave, we take all patents as follows so any underlings will be forced to tend their own ideas...

Len: But brother do you intend to leave really? we haven't even started!

Theo: Len, I see You don't understand So I will explain.

Later that is for now though let's get moving inside!

Rico: how do we make it optimal for you two?

Keep in mind I mean in the best and worst case as a whole.

Theo: Remember the fact that we are friends, that will never change!

Please speak your mind.

Rico: I agree because, to be honest, I have no high ground in this negotiation.

I read the terms and all the information from the contracts so I am not worried about that but in the best interest of everyone here.

I am not the best leader so it is up to us as a group.

Doug: okay then in the worst case for you.

I get a corporation contract, a mile of land for my brother and I, We will work for you as sole owner.

Under the guidelines of the patent insignia remain ours, Free to sell, Change or revise patents, and also We receive Sixty-Forty.

What's the best case for you?

Len: As for the name it would probably be Obsidian Tooth & Scale Weapons Corp.

Theo: I get what you mean.

Rory: that would leave us with what?

Theo: what do you mean?

Rory: I mean what would that leave us with in terms of resources.

You are the one who would be in charge of that so?

Theo: Ah, Yes well in terms of that we would need a good piece of land, mine worthy...

Ideally it would be best to say Thirty-seventy.

able to be built on and heavily guarded.

a way to transport.


Rico: I have transport, I have guards, and also may have a way to get workers...

Theo: I am tempted to know but as for the other items.

We will be given food for a full year, a carriage made from wood, plans to that carriage, information not known to the public, and a servant who used to be a prisoner.

Moving on Rico what do you say in the end it's your choice that has the final say.

Rico: like I said there is no high ground, I am not a real leader but as for this idea to work we would need a few more people.

Rory: I feel like I should also note this can't work...

Len: I am so lost what is it that just happened did we Just finish the negotiations for our future lives?

What was that prisoner thing?

And the insignia thing is confusing!?

I thought we were just going to register and go...

I mean wouldn't we need some other people!

Theo: well yes but it's not like we would have it all by tomorrow.

Rory: so what is it we are going to do?

Rico: Well I think I know what needs to be done here...

Okay, Theo... I would like to give them the second Corp contract.

As for the registration process, Please give everyone a High status tag.

how do we solve the issue you ask, Well I am giving all of you full autonomy...

Theo: Well it's not like We know another ten or twenty people with undying loyalty?

I guess the goblin can count as one so we got six... Also I say you should register it for high status too.

Rico: will that work?

Theo: Not a clue Dude, in hindsight... we will receive one person from the government as an Independent servant.

He is volunteering for freelance, It is up to you what happens to him.

You can't kill, him obviously

Rico: That was obvious?

Why would I do That?

Theo: Dunno, We would need three more.

No four more people.

We can even register to work as a skeleton crew style until we can find more at the very least...

Rory: I have a suggestion for one person she is a bit eccentric but will do.

Perry: hi sorry to interrupt you!

Names perry Wallace, I hear you guys are looking for another to join your group?

Rico: Yeah, but you know it's bad practice to eavesdrop.

Perry: No my boy I didn't eavesdrop I was merely told by a little spirit.

Rico: ah I know you I saw you at the government conference!?

Perry:You were there? Hmm well then.

I assume you must benone of the leaders... Right?

Rico: I guess yeah, And what would it matter?

Perry: Good, let me say this kid we will be good friends in the future.

I hope you and my niece get along also.

I was not going to let her register because of my business and her relation to me since my brother and his wife died.

I have taken care of her but, in order to become the businessman I need to be, I cannot have her with me.

Rico: Let me guess the little spirit said im some great guy bless me with her?

Perry: What no are you special in the head?

Anyone can see you are going to turn out to be nothing but a thug!

My hope is leaving her with a group closer to her age she would be brought fewer dangers, More friends Than she would have being with me.

Rico: okay two conditions.

*We haven't even started anything yet, We are only in the lobby of this large tent.

Although I keep getting wrapped up in random shit...*

Perry: ... I will hear you out.

Rico: First, We need two people, Second they need to be able to fight, only if the said people are willing.

As you can see we are gearing up to leave this place for good...

Once we leave it will be a long while before we return.

Perry: You will meet her and The two I choose at the registration on your way Out.

She will not be hard to miss.

As for the status tags, she and her companions will claim High status under you.

I will give you Ten thousand credits for her every month. for the ones she doesn't claim I expect you to pay her way.


Rico: okay.

perry: good, good, now I will take my leave please take care of my niece.

I hope we will be in touch.

Rico: Ah about that Just one second.

As for how to work this you will figure it out.

*it had been a while since using this but as an added bonus.

Since I was going to share this with the group might as well put him in some suspense.*

Rico: Form contacts, send friend invites!

Perry Wallace, Theo Cross, Len Kanter, Doug Kanter, and allow mental calls.

Now we can keep in touch.

Perry:... you are one weird cookie.

It seems I will be fairing a good amount on you.

Be careful showing too many people that as it will make honest enemies.

And thank you for the information.

Rico: understood, I think it advantageous to be friendly, so next time we can sit and share over some tea.

*with that he left while the rest were straining there necks while staring at me well except Rory, who already knew about this.

In a more surprising item, she has all the information I do so... hmm.*

Theo: okay that leaves us one short?

Rico: no. Rory said she had someone to recommend and I trust her more than anyone so tough.

Rory: hmm yeah, she is also a bit beneficial as she has medical knowledge.

Miss Vivian had her take care of you and we hit it off, I trust her.

Rico: then I trust her. see if she is available we will meet back here.

after every one is done.

I will go and meet Perrys niece and register the rest of the needed Information with Theo.

Theo: It's all coming together for a legendary adventure!

Rico: Now where was I?

Oh, Give Doug the Corp contract, the name of the second company is going to be Midnight Goblin Mercenary squadron.

Len: I and my brother will go collect more rations and such.

also thats one, two, three, ... Twenty tents? right?

Theo: Yeah and also grab whatever else you can for raw materials.

Rico: There is a total of Us five, plus three, plus one, plus a servant.

Why twenty?

Rory: I will also stop by and pick up everything from the shops, anything special?

I got credits, so don't hold back!

Doug: how are we going to carry all that?

Rico: with the inventory... Just accumulate it all to one place its easier to show than it is to explain.

* We all split up the tasks but first of all, We all went into the main hallway, led by Theo, We made our way into the registration process.

Showing them the practice of the inventory will be easier later, for now We all got on the same page splitting up to do our tasks needed.*

*Mainly registration.

After Theo and I met the receptionist.

We were actually Led to another tent that we were in for the conference except another part was open it led into a beautiful underground church.

There were a lot of lines but Theo just walked past them all stopping at a short line with four people In its whole with us making the fifth in line.

I was looking around for Perry's group, which at first it was hard.

I had no clue until I saw a small girl with two bodyguards one male, one female.

The man looked like his name was Niko, Bjorn,or even ludvick.

He had a very Russian mobster look about him, The female on the other hand.

She looked like she was a Svetlana, She was spy\black ops\ body builder.

She was taller then niko had a buffer body that made even the strongest men look weak.

The Svetlana Looking lady was holding a sign that said in bright pink letters. "you can't miss us"

I facepalmed mentally and physically before I walked over I was one hundred percent scared.*

Rico: hi Perry Wallace sent me...

Svetlana: I am Svetlana that is Niko this is Kerry.

we are in your care SO, do not be careless!

Rico: okay what are your orders.

*called it!*

Niko: I am to listen to your orders boss!

Svetlana: I am to watch little girl, kill anyone who gets in my way, and follow orders when asked within reason!

Although I am to always prioritize the protection of little girl.

Theo: This is going to be troublesome, at least they are unregistered....

Rico: This is a hundred percent our fault either way.

Theo: Yeah, I can see that...