A Promise gone wrong.

*I didn't think too deep into it last night, The prisoner guy kept staring at me until I laid down.

Maybe he was the one thinking about it deeply?

After waking up it was the same, I was watched by him rather awkwardly because he made no effort to hide it...

After having a rationed style breakfast and a nice warming broth.

I decided to get into my new hostage situation. because after killing four people Why not!

I was sure to be at a bad spot in the matter.

I felt a bit of regret Becoming a murderer of the people...

Because of me and my impulses.*

Prisoner: you boy will end up losing yourself at that rate.

blood is the only thing you will see if you seek Anarchy.

Rico:... okay...

Prisoner: is that all you say when you receive advice?

Rico: that sounded more like wisdom to be shared.

Prisoner: I see... You see advice as just wisdom beyond years.

Just sharing it with someone makes it advisable knowledge.

I am talking to you specifically boy, Meaning this wisdom is the advice given directly to you.

The path you walk I have seen where it can and will lead.

Death Is faster than that path to power!

Rico: wisdom coming from a man who was in prison? it's not worth as much as you think.

Prisoner: You think because I was in jail my advice is useless.

I Didn't betray my country it betrayed Me!

Rico: well it certainly makes you a lot less trustworthy!

Prisoner: What would make me trustworthy in your eyes boy?

you just killed four people without hearing out their story.

wouldn't that mean you are no better than me?

what made you act anyway don't say it was 'chivalry' you are anything but that.

Rico: urk!... so what are you suggesting...

Prisoner: what does it seem like I am suggesting to you?

what was implied, boy?

Rico: I don't know extortion maybe?

but then again you are our prisoner...

Prisoner: I am Leon Cromwell and I am no one's prisoner.

I volunteered to be here!

Ask yourself what does one murder in the middle of an apocalypse matter let alone two or three?

Do you think because of that I am to going to extort you what would I gain from you?

Rico: Maybe you think that the government...

Leon: You Still Think they give a flying fuck if one or two people die?

Rico: I honestly don't know...

I am not cut out to be in a team, I didn't once stop to think about the repercussions they would face.

Leon: ah good boy... Hmm, seems you are not total trash.

That's A natural thought.

You are fighting not for just you right now.

It is Not What is it you are fighting for.

Its what is it you want to fight for?

Rico: I don't know.

I just want to live.

Leon: Well kid, let me show you.

How to live.

Starting tomorrow, I'll show you some proper meditation and breathing techniques.

what I want you to do today is memorize Is Nothing.

Rico: that vague and a bit useless?

Leon: I never said make that your primary thought boy... it seems I have a lot to show you.

no wonder sensei said you are a block of marble.

Rico: you mean Thomas?

Leon: no I mean Lala.

Rico: you mean the little girl trained you?

Leon: yes her mother and her to be exact.

I have not seen her mother since, the apocalypse began...

Thomas takes good care of her as he would anyone of his children.

Rico: I see Wait children.

As in more than one.

Leon: Yeah Seven Boys, Five girls.

Rico: Maybe I am missing something...

Leon: What would that be?

Rico: I made Bad choices chasing Eggs, The mother of said egg ended up putting me in a coma.

Other than that I continue to ignore the outside world.

Leon: haha sounds like avarice has a hold of you boy and you don't even know what you desire.


Leon: Now, don't look at me like I can help with that Easily.

You can figure out something like that Especially with outside perspective!

Rico: okay then.

Leon: Ah Well, First of all.

I would like a Small Wooden cabin with a porch.

I would also like a pet, and a garden!

Rico: I can understand where you are coming from.

I wanted to travel the stars.

I always thought I would get to see it.

Leon: See!

Thats one thing I want my cabin, You want to explore space.

Who is gonna stop you!

Maybe you will find a rocket scientist.

Maybe that rockets still useable.

Rico: I get it that really is something to think about.

I am Rico Nemorensis silver.

Thank you Leon.

Leon: Nemo Huh?

Rico: Yeah it is a bit of a curse but it is growing on me.

Leon: Have you read the book?

Rico: No. Ah books.

If we can find them I would definitely be interested In starting my own library...

*after our conversation I came to a conclusion.

I needed to do two things first was apologize for my BS and the second was to figure out our situation as a team.

I waited until everyone had breakfast.

Which was bone broth, coffee, and a fresh loaf of bread.

I don't even know who made the bread?*

As everyone had their own little space it took a bit to gather everyone standing by the fire it looked more like a tent city.

Thanks to Doug and Len, We have an abundance of tent fabric.

Which is just A String made from a thin piece of cloth, The leather that made the canopy was just tanned leather.*

Rico: first off to introductions.

I would like to get to know everyone present.

I am Rico Nemorensis Silver, I wanted to apologize to you all because yesterday I acted without thinking.

as a group, as a team, I put only myself first and instead of solving the problem together.

I alone have caused problems for you all.

I would like us all to figure out how we solve the issues at hand...

Theo: I will apologize also I mean, We all did just jump off the train Into the Moving bandwagon.

we really are not a team yet and with yesterday's show.

I don't think We will survive long, had that fox been a little older or wiser we would be dead right now for sure.

I am Theodore Cross I am a swashbuckling merchant.

Rory: I am Rory Quinn I am a Ranger or huntress to be exact.

Len: Oh me next! Len Kanter, I am a blacksmith, Lancer.

Doug: Doug Kanter, I am a classless person.

Kerry: I am Kerry Wallace I am a puppeteer and this is Max.

Svetlana: I am Svetlana Melange.

Niko: I am Niko Kavan, I am a Berserker.

*looking at the medic girl she took her cue.*

Anne: I am Anne Dime, I am a medical agent.

Rico: well I didn't know we were saying classes and such... anyway I am a Tamer.

also, I would like you to introduce yourself.

*pointing at Leon he stepped up.*

Leon: I am Leon Cromwell, I am a shadow shaper.

Rico: I am sure you all know the goblin that is Perv... but she is in need of a new name.

hey, perv what do you think about being called mint?

Perv: Yes!

*Mint spoke, shook her head, all while giving Both thumbs up making me giggle, I then felt an extremely strong connection to mint.

In my mind, an ocean of waves washed across my island telling me the information formed.

In place i felt a small click in my soul and could feel where mint is at.

Through cooperation and friendship, I had gained a goblin species companion.

She had also birthed children

I now knew I could only tame two of each as a whole for the race.

The species pureness counted also and so much more.

Yhe amount of knowledge gained was amazing.*

Rico: As you all know The goblin here is known as Perv or Mint, and that fat bird there Is plush.

Now... as a group I have to ask what we do with the three New people?

Anthony: I hear you all doing introductions.

I would like to share my own....

Rico: Please go Ahead.

Anthony: I am Anthony Gilligan, these two are my niece and daughter.

I will let the girls introduce themselves.

Samantha: I am Samantha Gilligan, His niece, you can call me Sam, I am a classless person.

zain: I am zain Gilligan, I am also classless.

Theo: The situation my friend helped you out of?

* as Theo asked being honestly brutal it made it hard for them to lie as they all looked at each other with something to hide.*

Anthony: well it was a promise to pay situation but the camp we had was already ransacked.

They wanted payment but with our belongings gone, we had nothing to give.

The ones you really saved were these two girls, And as for that situation I thank you!

They were in great danger thanks to me...

Theo: and why should we believe you?

Samantha: how dare you say that, as if I wanted to get defiled!

it is not like my uncle did it on purpose the only reason we needed their help was because of the bugs that attacked us!

Anthony: Its okay Sam, There is no need for you to explain that much.

Theo: I was not talking to you, And yes there is a need!

what is to say we can trust you!

And I was talking to him, So shush!

Rico: that is enough theo.

Rory: What is it you planned on paying them With and what is it you plan on doing now?

Anthony: well I had artifacts from before the apocalypse that still worked, They were static resistant phones and old tech devices from the early days of computers.

Laptops and such.

we promised to pay them with the spoils we would receive, after the government was back up and running.

but when retrieving them the first time we were attacked upon return they were gone, everything was even our leftover rations and clothing.

Leon: did you expect it to be there with the wildlife and People who have been through this area?

Anthony: yes my niece said the same... but I didn't listen and I had them bring us back out here.

it wasn't that far, I should have realized they were up to No good.

I fear they had plans of evil intentions whether we paid or not.

Leon: okay enough with the sobs!

what is it you plan on doing?

Anthony: I do not know exactly.

Rico: what do you mean you don't know.

Anthony: I mean I don't know we were kinda depending on those guys to get us back...

I can always ask you to escort us.

Theo: nope we are not going back!

Anthony: well that is akin to killing us...

Rico: Are you in need of going back? If we took you back what could you give us, if you have no ways to pay?

Anthony: I have a promise and a man's word to fulfill that promise.

Leon: this is the apocalypse that's not worth jack.

Anthony: then I am at a loss...

Zain: Then let us join you!

I mean you don't have enough stuff to stay gone for a long time so, how much longer can your expedition last.

Theo: indefinitely.

Rico: did we make a return plan?

Rory: Yeah, but not anytime soon...

Leon: I never saw one?

Doug: this was a two or three day expedition?

I thought we were out On the long run.

Anthony: have you all lost your mind with what materials? with what food?

Rico: It will be very hard explaining, Nevermind how, if I was to give you enough equipment can you make it back yourselves.

Samantha: why can't we just go with them, uncle?

Rico: because we are not going back and I do not want you to come against your will.

Anthony: to be honest with you I wouldn't know

and as I have failed to listen to them once before maybe it is high time I listen to them.

Rico: So?

Anthony: So Can you let us join you It is of our own free will?

Rico: it sounds a bit forced because that is the only option you have.

Zain: but it isn't, we can just travel with you.

Samantha: Yeah.

I mean we don't have anything back there anyway.

Rico: Then I say yeah, any objections?

Leon: I won't stop you.

Rory: meh could be worse a few more people only make the workload less.

Len: I don't have any problems the more the Marrier.

*with that everyone agreed to get our show back on the road.

Some how It makes me just a bit happier for some reason.

Personally, I am just glad no one tried pulling the victim card... which would totally set this.. no set us back to square one.

We were already twenty plus miles out so, going back was a huge killer but going back now would probably be useless!

all of us planned to stay away, out, Or free until we found a suitable place to live or until we found something seriously strong that we had no choice But to turn back. *

*All we have come across is vegetation-covered buildings of San Francisco and small game that was usually led by fear.

The worst part is the people I know this is a safer area but it is oddly quiet.

It is rather dull but with our new additions, we made it seven miles from our old camp.*

*There was nowhere to stay in, No buildings or otherwise, there were trees at the ready but there were no buildings.

Meaning Rory and I had no choice but to make a decent place to stay.

We built for the first time a MudHut Barn.

Rory got to work first We dug down two floors clearing it out, Building stairs walls and an extra wide rafter for safety. *

*We hardened the walls and roofs above as we were going using the roots of the trees.

We made rooms for everyone with enough room to sleep and have a restroom each.

Making air holes to let air in I sealed it completely, I could manipulate the trees above to let small air in which worked really well making the air rather fresh.*

With that, we rested while being bombarded with questions about how we actually did it...

I did not lie once and even explained the magic behind it, only to be told I am lying... well looks like it's time for a full show.

Now that we are all a real group I guess it's the least I can do.*