*In front of me, divine angel kin and a demonic demon kin sitting across from one another.
I am here for mediation although my presence doesn't stop there Stickley bickering.
Each word one of them speaks is like a twig in the fire for each other?!
Today is the last day the representative of this realm can choose from the list of Annex.
The only issue is the one to choose each time is the demon kin.
Thus I decided to speak my peace, I don't want to be here so this will be said and I will leave... *
Diana: The choice belongs to the Angel kin.
Now choose wisely, Before the annex List Ends!
* I got out of my chair hearing a laugh and a snorting remark.
Either way I made my way out of the room.
With this I am not a divine kin any longer with this I have now become a step higher.
I have stepped into the realm of The celestial being, Although a celestial stepped into the realm of dimensional being.
Technically I made no progress...
Eventually a dimensional being will step into the realm of a prime being.
Although they are the owner of the sector they still need us to complete the work.
They delightedly pass on their commands through us, As we pass it upon the divine kin or demon kin.
Though my presence has gained favor I was once a mere mortal who climbed the ranks, Through my climb i have seen the realms one by one.
For beings of mere moments time passes fast.
Living in said moment is a key factor for those whom seek to live forever.
I have a feeling, I know what this divine kin leader will choose from the annex.
The demons have chosen three of the four worst possibilities, To cope with that what will they choose...
First let me explain my reasoning?!
The lowest ranks of being, A Deming Although there name is different in each world.
A creature is still a creature.
The steps beyond are demi-Sentient, Demi-mortal, Mortal, Terrestrial, Demi-immortal, Demonic, Divine, Celestial, Dimensional, Prime Sentinel, Omnipotent prime, And the longest power a Prime Progenitor.
Although that only describes the levels of power once reached, There is still ranks filling the difference between said levels of power.
We call them as they are levels.
These levels of the inner ranks are, Trial tier, Beginner tier, Command tier, King tier, Saint tier, Empire tier, And Transfer tier.
The last tier is where I am currently.
If I am able to hold my ground in the Transferring tier, I will be allowed to gain the rank of trial tier celestial.
Although these tiers apply their is few who challenge them by rising.
The Requirements for meeting them is difficult for mortals as time is not on their side.
Although most mortals make their own ranks or are fooled by those who claim power into following those ranks.
Only one out of an unknown ratio makes it.
Although I have learned this lesson the annex aspires to make things challenging.
Setting guidelines harder to reach each time a sector is added to its Codex of Doors.
No one is on the side of the weak but weak does not mean incompetent!
These human mortals should be able to make it work...
Anyways, It is time for my trial, I shall be the first to admit that I am nervous about this but an opportunity only comes from hard work!
Not even my vile brothers and sisters have procurement over this feat I have set!
* it's been one week since we started moving west.
We have walked through the mountains only to surprise ourselves with the fact that we wound up right where we started...
We are back at the encampment created, Although some major change has happened it has been close to half a year though?!
As for the current view there is nothing exactly new yet there is fewer people and the original settlement is now spread much thinner, parts are even missing!
Some buildings remain but tents make up the most of it.
the atmosphere seems thick like gloom has taken over.
Looking for others was easy although they all seemed on edge?
After walking through the settlement we decided that we would like to make an effort to help.
As such, We stayed for a day offering our help where we could, Although it was mainly helping the injured, or fixing a tent.
We spent two days like that whilst we were traveling we didn't sit by our movement's were like training as we moved.
Although the explanation of this is simple, We used our ability to the fullest although.
What I mean when I say that, We took the abilities we had and have, We tried our hardest to use them even if it was a simple skill!
After our visit to the settlement ended we found out quite a bit about Anne's power.
She was able to heal any damage to a body although she couldn't recover a lost limb she is able to regrow damaged limbs still attached.
Theo who had no ability to see now had one eye returned to him, She was able to repair the damage to it.
As for his left eye...
It seems when It was damaged it was also severed completely.
Even then he has returned to his natural self.
We also decided to bury Niko Here, They had lost quite a few people and have created a small graveyard.
Although they learned of a tragic incident, Zombies!
The dead when left alone will become an energy soaked being that reanimated tissue turns rancid and they become another monster.
Thus we have to sever the head and burn the body, Although the head severing was a bit much since even without a head.
The dead still walked around.
That made all the graves simple holes filled with a make shift urn.
As time has gone on it seems others have figured out there classes and skills also, Since we see more adventurer looking people.
Armored and practical which in general is not a bad thing.
There was a bit of a lull in our party, That made us begin our travels again, The issue we had was the bridge!
It seems that the bridge still did its job!
Although it was missing some road, It still tethered the lands to one another.
We spent time trying to cross it, With no real issues we once again dove into our journey.
It took us a full day to cross the bridge, Leaving behind that village once more.
When we crossed that bridge though all hell broke loose.
It seems that the creatures feared the bridge, But there was an abundance of creatures lying in wait for travelers to cross it.
Orcs, Windigos, And kobold all found a middle ground.
We didn't have the ability to fight for days on end so we made a strategic Retreat!
Although I say that we didn't go backwards, We ran straight through!
After a full week of running once again we were free from our pursuing party!
That doesn't mean we could stay still and rest...
The Role of weakness is ours for sure, We ran into groups of creatures that far outnumbered us.
What we could not fight we ran from, The only things we could kill was stragglers.
The creatures seemed to have strengthen beyond our expectations.
Although one would think they would be the weakest since in most video games they were the plain mobs.
Like a slime, We encountered only one and it was magnificent.
we were in the middle of a retreat, When a small orb bounced out of the water like a bullet.
It touched the Orc leader of the current group chasing us, Instantly melting its body before shooting at the remaining.
I didn't see that one correctly I told myself....
But it took seconds!
I vowed to never meet them unless absolutely necessary!
Could I even tame that?
On our nineth day past the gate we found a tunnel with a beautiful rainbow Meural.
Although we met this tunnel, We all felt uneasiness when thinking of entering.
That was considered and voted on, We all chose to go the long way, Once again we walked into a forest this time the trees were short and had an eerie feeling.
It went rather calmly when we started out nothing found us or attacked us.
We went eight days like this until the trees were so close they were some we had to squeeze past.
Almost like a bamboo forest, no to be exact it has become an actual bamboo forest now the trees became thin.
We tried to cut some down but even with our shared blade all we got was a metal clanging as our blades chipped or snapped!
We went through this without having the ability to cut them down, Squeezing past them with another three days of travel...
At this time this treacherous journey had began to wear down on us...
That is when we encountered this problem of insects, Or to be exact we were not attacked more like stalked by.
Whilst traversing the bamboo forest we found a small clearing where we made camp...
I was on guard duty when it happened, Sitting by a fire we made from leaves and twigs that we could pick up on the ground.
I reached back to grab a piece of trig and touched a small fuzzy black ball.
Bringing it around about to toss it on the fire I looked at it as it screeched the legs popped out from between my fingers!
Eight legs small black body!
Eight Red Eyes!
Two Fangs, Dripping with a purple and green venom!
It was a spider a widow spider at that, I screamed and threw it on the fire it once again screeched as it lit ablaze.
In the distance a larger more guttural screech came.
The was a short silence before a rustling sound came from all directions, establishing terror in me!
I struck out at a small black orb jumping past me!
I screamed Like a baby as I have a fit of terror!
Everyone was awake by now and it seems I am not the only one with a small fear of arachnids.
No this was a giant fear!
I saw the gloom in the eyes of Doug and anne.
I screamed out the word "Retreat!" in seconds we began to Run!
Only managing to bat away the spiders attacking us, It took hours to get away.
But we were not safe as we can still hear a larger more terror inducing screech behind us.
What ever it was it was strong enough to break these trees, we couldn't even dent.
Although the trees slowed it down generously allowing for us to get to a safe distance.
I think the terror is real But the panic is tenfold to happen to have the displeasure of running into an arachnid that is extra large.
I would die of fear before it ate me....
We on the other hand found the exit!?
what we saw was serine, There was a vast meadow of flowers.
adorning the meadow was lady bugs although they were a meter tall and a meter around!
there was no hostility as they saw us, They just ignored us...
We made quick work of pushing through, We also encountered some strange looking bugs although their size was the natural size.
I gasped thinking that somethings didn't change?
I was wrong!
These little bastards were weak but they were like electric demons it they touched you.
Your entire body would spasm, The shock was like a taser but they didn't seem to dangerous.
As long as someone was standing crushing them was as easy as stepping down.
The next thing was a frog, Although these were dangerous the worst thing was they tried to swallow us whole!
I mean it succeeded once with Len, Although that wasn't an issue, since when we cut it open he was unharmed!
He was covered in a nasty goo but otherwise unharmed.
That was about it with creature features, But that was not the end of our travels.
Seventeen days later we met a mountain!
Tetra Broke our lasting silence with few words!*
Tetra: We are here!
Rico: Seriously?
Leon: I don't see anything?
Tetra: He would be directly in front of us.
Theo: All I see is a mountain!
Rory: I think what she is saying is he is that mountain?!
* At Rory's words we all looked up noticing the importance of the issue!
Seconds after our bewildered looks came a rumble we all started to run back away from said mountain.
We were right to do so!
A large hole opened up as a worm the size of a building launched it way out of the ground.
An even larger more concussion sounding rumble came as a head lifted from the ground to envelope the worm completely one gulp was all it took.
The Saint Tortuga was the actual mountain!
Unable to see all of him, We heard another concussion forming sound!*
Tortuga: Daughter!!!!
Tetra: Yes it is I father!
Tortuga: I see you have company!!!!
Tetra: Yes father, I have much to discuss with you.
Tortuga: No! Now begone!
Tetra: Father!
Tortuga: Do not prattle!
Tetra: NO!
I am Tetracycline Terrian!
first daughter of the Saint, And I Demand my counsel!
Tortuga: I am in no mood to play with you child!
Tetra: Huh? That is enough!
Tell me what is bothering you!
Tortuga: Does it matter, would you help an old fool like me!
Tetra: You are my kin!
As are these companions in your presence!
Tortuga: Fine, Hear my plight!
Rico: Yes my liege we will !
Tortuga: Hmph!
It seems that when I traversed the folsgatian, The elven inhabitants, Have vacated my Golden city.
Although they were offended by the traversing of the folsgatian they decided to have left me with a plague.
This plague has become a nuisance for me as it causes a massive amount of stress, I am not able to rest easily causing my mood to spoil.
Even my meals anger me!
Tetra: Then what is it you propose we do?
Tortuga: I do not care what it is you do to rid me of it just do so and do so immediately!
Rico: Ah is there a specific area?
Tortuga: I see trying to find the source eh?
That would be the Golden city upon My back the crown of Terrian!
Rico: Right...
Leon: Then shall we proceed...?
Tetra: That is understandable, Although if this favor is completed will you hear my plight as well?
Tortuga: Fix it and I will not only grant you access to thy golden city, I will also grant you two favors within my power!
I will be in your care child now proceed to my shell bridge, I will grant access to the Golden city.
Although if you miss your chance to board my shell I will not hesitate to leave you!
I have a schedule to keep and a new core has been recently formed.
If I am to dine uncomfortably, I will be do it at a pace that matches my mood!
Tetra: Understood Father, Please excuse us!
* With that tetra began to shine with a dull yellow light, she wiggled just a bit as her shell began to expand.
After about one minute her shell had doubled in size along with her as well, She then spoke to us.*
Tetra: Now Climb aboard all of you we have a bridge to catch and not enough time to do it!
* It took us a second but we all climbed aboard, In the next moment we all felt a shock as tetra began to move!
The holding on wasn't the issue the air pressure on the other hand was our eyes burned and the wind was suffocating.
We went in a line for a few minutes then made a sharp turn making a zig with no zag.
She came rushing at the mountain lining up a perfect arc lending power to her legs she lifted off the ground.
The flight was short but the moment we connected Tetra groaned with a large thud.
She made a snort as she spoke once more.*
Tetra: Did everyone survive?
Everyone in tandem: Present!
Rico: Continue please!
* As I said that she once again struck the ground, Moving at a ridiculous speed!
This time we went straight through the mountains range and the forest that encompasses it!*
We took a while to reach that summit striking the ground Tetra spoke.*
Tetra: This form is failing brace yourselves!.
* That sounds ominous!*