Nightly Visit

"Let me speak with my parents about it first," Jiang Yingyue said after considering her options.

Han Qingshan did not ask for more than this. The fact that Jiang Yingyue was not declining him straight away meant that she was also interested in living with him, and he was eager and happy because of this.

Feeling that his mother had done something good with her visit here, Han Qingshan was generous and allowed her to eat even more of the food that Jiang Yingyue had cooked.

After eating, Jiang Yingyue began clearing the table, while Yan Meilin went to talk to Han Qingshan.

"Qingshan, you have to know that your father and I will support you in anything you do," she said, her voice filled with excitement as she glanced at Jiang Yingyue in the kitchen. "But you also need to take the first step sometimes. You cannot just wait for others to take the initiative; sometimes you have to grab onto it. If you like Jiang Fengmian, then be bold about it!"

"Mother!" Han Qingshan was shocked when he heard it, his eyes bulging out in surprise. "I am just friends with Jiang Fengmian," he said. But even though he was saying so, his heart was not feeling too comfortable as he remembered the kiss he had stolen from the youngster earlier.

Even now, he felt the urge to push her down, feel her, and kiss her with all he had. The kiss he had before had left him wanting more, the feeling of those soft lips were driving him insane.

Thinking about it again, Han Qingshan was getting frustrated, and Yan Meilin smiled knowingly.

"Don't worry. We will not be disappointed in you," Yan Meilin said with a smile on her face, as she patted her son on the shoulder before heading to the kitchen to say her farewell to Jiang Yingyue and thanking her for dinner. She left the condo right afterward.

Han Qingshan was left alone in the sitting room, his back was turned to Jiang Yingyue, but he could hear the rustling sounds from the kitchen.

Jiang Yingyue was indeed the perfect wife. She was cooking and cleaning without feeling upset about having to do such chores.

In fact, she was quite happy because there was a dishwasher in the condo, so cleaning was actually quite simple compared to cleaning at home.

While cleaning, she was busy thinking about her options. Truthfully she was stuck in a dilemma. Did she want to return to the life of Jiang Yingyue? But if she did, how was she supposed to continue living?

Everything she had was under the name of Jiang Fengmian. If she were to really give up this identity, she would have to give up her future dreams.

While thinking too much she dropped a plate, which fell to the ground and shattered. The loud crash brought Jiang Yingyue out of her messy thoughts, and she bowed down to collect the shards.

She felt somewhat guilty for breaking a plate, and she was a bit flustered over having shattered it, that she did not really pay attention to how she grabbed the shards, making them cut one of her fingers, and causing her to flinch.

Han Qingshan had heard the ruckus that came from the kitchen and walked over. He soon saw the glaringly red blood on her porcelain-like white skin.

A feeling of distress appeared in Han Qingshan's heart, and he hurried over. He grabbed the finger and lifted it to his lips, allowing for his tongue to run over the shallow wound.

A tremor ran through both Jiang Yingyue and Han Qingshan at the same time. The warm hand was so soft and gentle to the touch, and although the metallic taste of blood was within his mouth, Han Qingshan did not mind. Instead, he felt excited from touching Jiang Yingyue, his tongue flickering across the finger, making the skin moist.

Han Qingshan's eyes turned feverish, his eyes branded onto Jiang Yingyue's expression, and when he saw how her face turned red as she resembled someone who wanted to dig herself into a hole, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Be careful," he warned with a low, magnetic voice that made Jiang Yingyue tremble even more than she had before. Perhaps it was too dangerous living together with Han Qingshan.

"I'm sorry," Jiang Yingyue muttered, her eyes glued to the floor and she hurriedly withdrew her hand from the large palm of Han Qingshan, suddenly feeling an emptiness in her heart.

Without thinking too much on the topic, she quickly picked up the shards on the ground, threw them into the bin and started sweeping and vacuuming the small shards up, cleaning the floor thoroughly, while constantly being observed by Han Qingshan.

She was not used to being looked at with such an intense gaze, so when she finished, she quickly hid in her room. She found some clothes and some bandages before she went to wash and prepare to sleep.

That night, when Jiang Yingyue was deep asleep, the door to the guest room suddenly opened, and Han Qingshan snuck inside. His eyes were like two calm bottomless wells, his breathing shallow as if he was afraid of waking her when he walked inside.

He leaned down over the bed, touching Jiang Yingyue's forehead slightly with his palm as if to check if she had a fever. But after checking, his finger slowly slid down her face, down her cheeks, and landed on her lips.

He rubbed the lips slightly, and he felt as if an electric current was running through his body. The lips were slightly parted as she breathed through her mouth while being asleep, but to Han Qingshan, it was more like an invitation, and without being able to restrain himself, he leaned over, capturing her lips with his own, mixing up their breath and invading her parted lips with his tongue.