Young Master is Gay

Han Qingshan stared at Jiang Yingyue, a storm was brewing in his eyes, and he was anything but pleased.

The temperature of the room was plummeting to freezing degrees, and it was hard for Jiang Yingyue to hold back the tears that were swirling in her eyes.

The silence was nerve-wracking, and finally, Jiang Yingyue lifted her head, only to see the angry expression of Han Qingshan.

Her face turned terrified, and the tears in her eyes swelled. Seeing her looking like this, so innocent and like a scared white rabbit, Han Qingshan felt an inexplicable urge to grab her and hug her until the tears vanished.

But when he thought back to the words she had said before, the urge to destroy her also appeared.

"You want to leave after you are done using me, huh?" Han Qingshan suddenly asked with a dangerously low and emotionless voice, but when Jiang Yingyue heard it, she lifted her head in shock and looked at him perplexed.

"No... I…" She tried to explain, but before she had the time, Han Qingshan stood up from the chair and went to the floor-to-ceiling windows. He looked down upon the view of tall buildings and at the tiny humans walking like small ants down at the street.

"Then why are you so eager to get rid of me?" He asked, his voice sounding playful, but although it sounded playful, Jiang Yingyue was scared by it. She had never seen Han Qingshan like this before.

"But you clearly don't want me around you anymore," Jiang Yingyue suddenly blurted out, her voice trembling slightly from the fear and trepidation she was currently experiencing.

Usually, she was not weak. She could deal with almost anything without flinching, but right now, when thinking about how Han Qingshan had been treating her with the cold shoulder, she was truly at a loss and felt so hurt and abandoned that she could not help it.

Han Qingshan frowned. "Why would I not want you around me anymore?" He asked, and Jiang Yingyue took a deep breath to steady her emotions.

"You have not looked at me at all today. You are not answering me when I try to talk with you, and when you do respond, it is one-word answers or just sounds. Clearly, you do not want to speak with me anymore. Even the sight of me is enough to cause you to feel upset. Just look at you now; you are clearly very angry with me."

Hearing her answer, Han Qingshan was surprised. He had, as a matter of fact, tried to ignore her for some time, but that was to clear his mind.

He was still struggling with the fact that he had turned gay, and that the man in front of him was able to twist him around his pinky finger. But he had never expected that his behavior would be misunderstood like this, nor had he thought that Jiang Yingyue would be so upset because of him.

Although he was distressed when he saw the unshed tears in her eyes, a part of him was reveling in excitement. So he was so important to her that she would cry about the thought of leaving him?

Right at this moment, Han Qingshan could no longer hold back, and he strode towards Jiang Yingyue with big steps.

He wanted to plant his lips on top of Jiang Yingyue's. He wanted to suck out the air in her lungs, taste her sweet taste, and invade the inside of her mouth. But he knew that if he did this, it was likely that their relationship would end, so instead, he just reached out, grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his embrace.

The small woman in his arms was so soft and petite. Although Jiang Yingyue was not small for a woman, she was a lot smaller than Han Qingshan, and she fit perfectly within his arms.

Feeling the sensation of having her in his embrace, Han Qingshan's heart was relaxed. All the thoughts and worries vanished in mere moments, and he no longer cared about anything else, as long as he could keep Jiang Yingyue by his side.

Jiang Yingyue, on the other hand, was stumped when she felt herself dragged into his arms. She was not sure about what was happening, her mind was turning blank, and her body was trembling slightly from sensing the two arms wrapped around her waist and pressing her against his chest.

She could not help but think that for once, she did not want to think about anything else, she just wanted to enjoy what was being given her, so she leaned against his chest and closed her eyes, trying to push the tears back.

Looking down at her, Han Qingshan buried his head in her hair, and without her noticing, he kissed the top of her head gently.

While they were deep in each other's embrace, the door suddenly opened and Song Liwei came back inside, but the moment he opened the door and saw them embracing each other, he seemed to have understood that he had done something wrong, and he was frozen in shock.

Was he supposed to enter now? Was he supposed to leave, and hope that they had not noticed him?

Unfortunately, both Jiang Yingyue and Han Qingshan had noticed him, and while Han Qingshan sent him a fierce glare, Jiang Yingyue tried to free herself from the strong arms around her waist.

"Assistant Song, please go and fetch some food," Han Qingshan said with a domineering voice, and Song Liwei instantly bowed before closing the door again.

He was no longer unsure about his boss' sexuality, it was quite obvious that he was gay! And he was even feeding him a great bowl of dog food.