Miss Xie and Manager Zheng

The words caused Jiang Yingyue to widen her eyes. Staying at a hotel tonight? She did not have her clothes, nor did she have any bandages.

"Is that a good idea?" she asked with a slight feeble voice, "We do not have any clothes, and I need bandages for my wound."

"I'll send someone to get them," Han Qingshan said, clearly satisfied with himself.

"This will give you a new experience in life, don't reject me," he continued. He was quite satisfied with his plan.

Jiang Yingyue thought about it and finally nodded her head. "Okay," she said after a bit of time.

Thinking about it, they were likely to get a room each, and then it did not matter if she was in the hotel or at the condo, either way would be the same.

Han Qingshan's lips curled upwards when he heard that Jiang Yingyue had agreed, and his mood was suddenly brilliant. He had no intention of reserving two rooms, he planned on booking the presidential suite, and then sharing a bed with Jiang Yingyue.

Thinking about this, his mood could not get any better, but he knew that telling Jiang Yingyue about his plans would ruin it all, so he would wait until the last minute.

Jiang Yingyue smiled sweetly when she noticed that Han Qingshan was in a great mood.

They reached the conference room, and as they entered, they found that water, tea, coffee, fruit, and snacks had been placed on the table. There was enough space to sit a full fifty people within this conference room, and it was the smallest conference room in the entire hotel.

Han Qingshan sat down and opened the briefcase he had gotten earlier from Song Liwei.

"The first artist is Xie Lijie, she is an A-listing celebrity, and has been with the Starry Sky Entertainment Agency since her debut five years back. She is mainly starring in TV-series and dramas, but has won a few awards for her movies." Han Qingshan quickly introduced the first person who was to appear.

Jiang Yingyue accepted the papers that Han Qingshan handed her, and she looked them over. Twenty-seven years old, dating another artist from an independent company, debuted five years ago, and then followed a list of all the dramas, TV-series, and movies she had been part of, alongside a list of her nominations and the awards she had won before. There was even an introduction to her manager Zheng Chang.

She was a true A-listing celebrity, and Jiang Yingyue was slightly worried as to how their visit would go.

It only took ten minutes before a knock could be heard on the door, and Jiang Yingyue rose from her seat to open the door for them.

Outside were Xie Lijie and her manager. Both of them looked perplexed when they saw Jiang Yingyue.

"We are here to see Young Master Shan," the manager, Zheng Chang, said hesitatingly. Had there been some sort of misunderstanding? Was this not where Han Qingshan was waiting?

"He is waiting inside. Miss Xie, Manager Zheng, please enter." Jiang Yingyue flashed them her most professional smile and opened the door wide, gesturing for them to enter.

Xie Lijie and Zheng Chang sat down opposite of Han Qingshan, and Jiang Yingyue sat down next to him. The two newcomers were both incredibly curious about Jiang Yingyue, but they had not come to pry into Han Qingshan's workers. They had come to finalize the contract with Imperial World, and both of them were incredibly serious about this particular matter.

"We have both paid the breach-of-contract fee," Manager Zheng began, "and currently, neither Miss Xie nor I are hired anywhere. We are looking to join Imperial World, but we hope that the contract will allocate certain resources to my artist. She is an A-lister, and has been so for a period of time. She has had no scandals in her entire career, and she has always been honest and upfront about her relationships. She is able to bring much to the company, but only if the company is willing to invest in her."

One had to admit that Manager Zheng was incredibly good at talking her case. She had brought out a lot of facts and also described which benefits she could bring with her. She had only put up one demand, and this demand was something that they knew Imperial World could easily fulfill.

Jiang Yingyue was silent, listening to what was being said. She was quite interested in the conversation and the result of bargaining with one another.

Han Qingshan looked at her and saw her eyes sparkle as she looked down on the documents in her hands as if she had thought of something important.

"Fengmian, what do you think?" Han Qingshan suddenly asked, and both Jiang Yingyue and the other two were surprised when he suddenly asked her.

"Me?" Jiang Yingyue asked perplexed, but she quickly pulled herself together and gave a thought out answer.

"Well, how many resources are we talking about? We will definitely allocate certain resources to Miss Xie as she is an A-lister with a great reputation, but we cannot guarantee, nor will we guarantee that she will get the most resources of our company.

"At the same time, we can see that both Miss Xie and Manager Zheng have appeared here with goodwill, and are very understanding, so naturally we have to be as welcoming.

"Miss Xie focuses on TV-series and dramas, and it just so happens that this is one of the major investment parts of Imperial World. We cannot guarantee that every role will be the female main lead, but we can strive to get you as many as possible."