Innocent Kiss

As Jiang Yingyue licked her lips, the caged beast within Han Qingshan's chest almost jumped out and swallowed her whole into his body, to ensure that she was never parted from him again.

"Fengmian!" The voice of Han Qingshan was quite low, sexy, and sensual. He looked at the petite figure in his arms, and tightened the grip on her waist, pressing her towards his chest.

Jiang Yingyue was getting confused, her entire being felt like it was flying on a cloud, her body hot from every part that was touching him. She could not focus on anything, her eyes were glazed over and dazed, even her lips were quivering as she opened and closed her mouth.

Han Qingshan refused to let go of the delicious-looking woman in his arms, and his hands started roaming up and down her spine, sending shivers through her entire body, feeling how she was trembling in his arms.