
Jiang Yingyue had not expected to see a naked body like this, in the middle of the house, but when she thought about it, it was reasonable. Han Qingshan had rushed straight into the bathroom when he came back, not bringing clean clothes with him, and those that he had been wearing ended up completely soaked.

Han Qingshan's hair was still wet. Drops of water were trailing down his neck, leaving unrest within Jiang Yingyue as she watched. She couldn't take it anymore, and rushed past Han Qingshan, into the bathroom, found a towel and stood on her tiptoes to dry his hair.

Han Qingshan could feel the fire in his body, which had been subdued more than once, start moving as Jiang Yingyue stood in front of him. Her soft and lithe body was almost plastered against his to be able to reach his head.