Gou Chen

The two of them were standing in the middle of the office, holding each other around the waist. Jiang Yingyue's head was resting against Han Qingshan's chest, and his lips were gently kissing her hair.

It was a picturesque scene; no one would be able to watch it without sighing in admiration. However, no one was around to see them.

Han Qingshan had never felt that anything was missing in his life before, but after holding her in his arms, he was finally able to feel complete. It was as if he had been missing half of his soul before, and now it was full.

Jiang Yingyue was feeling the same way. She had spent so many years where she had been scared and filled with uncertainty about her future. She had been worried and knew that it could not go on, but she also knew it was impossible to change anything.