Second Encounter

After eating the food, Han Qingshan once more went to the university while Jiang Yingyue was busy cleaning at home. She had initially planned on reading a bit, but after a few moments, she lost her focus and felt restless. As a result, she ended up cleaning the entire flat, making it sparkle.

Jiang Yingyue was so busy cleaning that she forgot the time, and it was not before it was late into the afternoon that she realized she had not eaten anything for lunch yet.

She would usually have cooked some food. However, things were different this time. It was already so late, and if she was going to prepare the food now, it would become very late before she could eat.

Sighing dejectedly to herself, Jiang Yingyue left the condo and started moving down the road, going towards a small market that had a wide variety of food stalls.