Road of No Return

Han Qingshan looked at the male artist who was standing in front of him and nodded his head as he gave a toast.

The artist felt rather flattered to see Han Qingshan greeting him, and a smile surfaced on his face as he drank his wine and got ready to leave.

Unfortunately, Yu Xiulan did not agree with his idea about leaving. She was here for the sake of embarrassing Jiang Yingyue, and she was not going to leave before she had succeeded.

She walked towards them and was also about to make a toast to Han Qingshan when she suddenly "stumbled" and dropped her wine glass on the floor, shattering it into thousands of small shards and the wine flowed as a result.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed as she looked stunned, "I am so sorry, are you okay?" she asked as she moved towards Jiang Yingyue, who had been standing in front of her.

Some of the wine had splashed on her legs, but fortunately, neither the dress nor the shoes had been dirtied.