Two Hundred Million

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and felt utterly annoyed. It was not a question about being able to afford the money; it was about how Han Qingshan had completely and utterly embarrassed him in front of Jiang Yingyue.

Miss Gou was also feeling immensely regretful. She wanted the necklace so much, and she was convinced that Zhou Yan was bidding on it for her.

In the end, Han Qingshan won it, and he smiled sweetly to Jiang Yingyue by his side, who was utterly stumped by his overwhelming display of goodwill by donating such a massive amount of money.

The final two items were not as impressive. Although the last piece, a jade figurine from the Warring States Period, a genuine antique, should have been the main attraction of the night, it did not manage to beat the exciting bidding war for the diamond necklace.

After the final bid was over, the host invited every successful bidder backstage to pay for and to leave an address for where the items should be delivered.