Barking Dog

Jiang Yingyue frowned and quickly stepped back, while the rest of the wine spilled and the wine glass shattered on the floor. The crash resounded throughout the entire banquet hall, and everyone looked over.

"Oh my, I am so clumsy," the woman said without sounding apologetic at all. "Please accept my sincere apology. I was not aware that the wine glass would slip like this."

Everyone present was able to tell what had happened, but no one stepped out to berate the woman. Jiang Yingyue was just a commoner after all, so it was natural that she would be bullied.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yingyue was not willing to suffer a loss. She smiled elegantly and stepped over the broken shards of glass on the floor, closing the distance to the woman.

She then emptied her glass of juice right above the head of the woman, the smile on her face growing even more intense.