
Jiang Yingyue was taken by surprise when she felt Han Qingshan's looming figure and even more as the sensation of his lips pressing against hers suddenly emerged.

Her eyes widened, and her breathing turned hurried, but Han Qingshan did not withdraw. Instead, he pressed her into the seat and deepened the kiss.

No one was close to them, and the entire cinema was dark. Even if someone were to turn around, they would be incapable of seeing what was happening between the two figures.

Knowing this, Han Qingshan became more and more unbridled in his actions. His mouth was starting to kiss everywhere on her face. It reached her earlobes, which had already turned entirely red from embarrassment, and he could not help but lick them gently, sucking them into his mouth and nibbling on them.

"Enough," Jiang Yingyue whispered, her voice low and trembling, so soft that it sent a shiver through Han Qingshan's body.