Time to Eat

While the leadership of the He family had changed without anyone noticing it, Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue did all the things they had planned for the day.

After this, they went to a restaurant. Jiang Yingyue had been against it since they still had food at home, but Han Qingshan wanted them to eat outside that day.

Although he enjoyed watching Jiang Yingyue cooking for him, he did not want to tire her out.

If Jiang Yingyue knew of this, she would be laughing out loud. She was used to cook every meal for her and her family every single day. Why would she get tired?

But seeing the determination on Han Qingshan's face, Jiang Yingyue just shook her head and agreed to eat out that evening. It had also become quite late, so if she were to start cooking when they got home, it would be a late dinner.

As they arrived at the restaurant, they were quickly given a private room, and Han Qingshan, who knew that Jiang Yingyue enjoyed seafood, ordered a whole seafood feast for her.