I Love You

Han Qingshan was feeling ecstatic by knowing that he was bringing such pleasure to Jiang Yingyue that she was forgetting herself.

Hearing her alluring moans and purrs caused him to lose all reasoning. Finally, his last barrier was broken, and he penetrated Jiang Yingyue. The sensation he got when his member was suddenly wrapped up so tightly inside her - it was the best feeling he had ever experienced in his entire life.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yingyue stiffened, and her clouded eyes turned clear with a tinge of pain.

Han Qingshan knew it was her first time, but he could hold back no longer.

At first he was thrusting slowly, but the exquisite feeling was much more delightful than he had thought, and after ensuring that Jiang Yingyue was okay, he started increasing the speed and the force.

Jiang Yingyue was feeling like a small ship on a stormy sea, rocking without any control over her own body.