Overseas Phone Call

Han Qingshan was feeling guilty. He was not pleased with what Tang Meixing had done to Jiang Yingyue, and after finishing the phone call between them, he dialed his mother's number.

"Oh, hey Qingshan, it is rare for you to call when you are at the university, what has happened?" The worried voice of his mother could be heard through the phone, and Han Qingshan felt a little calmer.

"I need to hear your opinion about something," he said with a sigh. He was feeling quite torn. Not because he was unsure of whose side to stand on, but because he was feeling disappointed in Tang Meixing. She had pretended to be such a sweet and gentle person in front of him, but when she was in front of Jiang Yingyue, she had become a much worse person.

"What is wrong?" Yan Meilin could feel that something was troubling her son, so she asked gently.

"Tang Meixing went to my condo while I was at the university." He began explaining what he had heard in detail.