Unexpected Visitor

Jiang Yingyue was moving around all over the company; she was delivering documents and gathering files.

Han Qingshan had an office of his own, and he had prepared a desk for her, but she had yet to even sit at her chair, rushing from one department to another.

The day went by in a blur, Jiang Yingyue was stunned to know that time could fly by so fast, her entire day was spent rushing from one place to another, and her feet were hurting, her legs sore, but she was content.

She had not planned on working initially but going to university, but she had understood that her dreams had to be postponed. At the same time, she was feeling delighted and fulfilled helping Han Qingshan.

As the day ended, Jiang Yingyue went to Han Qingshan's office again. This time she was expecting him to be working, but he was standing by the window, looking out at the bustling city.