
It was deep into the night before Han Qingshan and Zhou Yan finished their conversation.

They had agreed on dealing with the Mu family together, but since it was going to be more than just a mere pressuring but a full out war, many things had to be planned first.

Han Qingshan was exhausted when he finally dragged his body into his bedroom, but what greeted him made all the exhaustion vanish.

Jiang Yingyue was sleeping soundly in his bed. Her hair, with extensions, was spread over the pillow, her white face so beautiful in the moonlight that fell through the crack in the blinds in front of the windows.

She seemed as if she had tried waiting for him but had unknowingly fallen asleep. Seeing her like this, he felt all the efforts he put into it were worth it.

As he took off his clothes, his eyes did not leave the sleeping figure on the bed, and when he dressed in his pajamas, he quickly dug under the duvet.