Private Airplane

As the morning broke, Han Qingshan was unable to continue sleeping. He quickly washed and dressed before he began, for the umptieth time, checking their luggage and the items he was bringing with him.

Jiang Yingyue was woken up by him moving about, and she sat up in the bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Once again, Han Qingshan had vented his worries the previous night, his energy levels were not at a point where Jiang Yingyue would be able to follow at all.

But because she knew why he was so worried, she had done everything in her power to accommodate him, she had been gentle like a clear spring, and it had just brought even more energy out of Han Qingshan.

Seeing Jiang Yingyue tired and rubbing her eyes, Han Qingshan felt that she was simply too adorable when she was dazed like this.

He quickly went to her side and hugged her to his chest. "Awake?" he asked with his mellow and pleasant voice.