Dear Fengmian

The cemetery was a tranquil place, it was a place where everyone was silent, and there was a certain heaviness in their steps.

An oppressive atmosphere was present in the air. At the time they arrived at the graveyard, a funeral was being held; out of respect, both Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue kept a certain distance.

During the past years, Jiang Yingyue had done everything in her power to stay away from funerals because of the memories that it brought her.

But now, looking at the funeral entourage, she was still sad and in a slightly heavy mood, but she was not as devastated as she had expected.

They quickly bypassed the group of people, before Jiang Yingyue walked towards the grave. She knew exactly where Jiang Fengmian was buried, even though she had not been there more than once, the memory was etched into her mind.