What is His Purpose?

When Jiang Yingyue exited the bathroom, her face had a healthy blush from the water, while her hair was slightly fluffy after being dried with a hairdryer.

Her entire surroundings were filled with the scent of flowers that came from her shower gel.

She was extremely pleased, delighted, and in a good mood. However, when she looked at the bed, she saw that Han Qingshan was sitting still, looking solemnly at her, his hands playing around with what seemed like a business card.

His eyes were unfathomable, his lips curled into a slight smile, but where his usual smiles made Jiang Yingyue feel good, this one gave her a chill down her spine.

"Qingshan?" She asked, puzzled. What could have happened that made him so mad?

"What happened when you went shopping yesterday?" Han Qingshan suddenly asked, his voice low, but it was not dangerous. Instead, it sounded as if he was sulking.