Question from Snoodle_Booper:

Will some characters reappear but at different times? Because I loved those curious and innocent but vicious as hell fairies...


Most if not all of the characters from the last version will pop up at later times in the story. Including the fairies. Especially the fairies. This time with a bit more thought out planning on their culture and such for those interested in such things.

Question from Kingsmin:

Why did you fully restart?


Simply put there were a lot of glaring plot holes and bad writing in my previous version. So I decided to restart it entirely and see if I could write a proper decent story that's worth reading.

Question from Bookworm:

My first question is male or female?


He will still be a male! At least in mind. The fact that he's a plant may have changed that. Unfortunately, I shall not disclose his body's gender!

Question #2 from Bookworm:

Second when are you going to name it?


Ok, a good question which deserves a good answer. And my answer is that I don't know! I'll actually be holding a poll (On the websites which allow proper links instead of blocking them. Looking at you webnovel!!) for possible names. Now whether that name will end up being a pun, average, or exotic will be partially decided by you the readers!

Question from cryptor:

"to the steadfast wills of a couple certain readers"

huh, I wondtree who these could be,


Oh, I think we both know who those readers are! Also good job on the pun for this chapter?

Well, that's about all the questions we had this time around. Hopefully, it'll be enough to stave off two certain people! See you guys in the next chapter tomorrow!