The Rumors

"Ah, did you hear the rumor?" A villager asked her friend as they washed their laundry by the river.

"Which one?" The other questioned, with curiosity in her eyes.

"Tsk, you don't know? The one about the doctor, Ren Dong."

"Oh, no, I didn't. What about Ren Dong?"

"Well, apparently she brought home a man," the villager gushed.

"A man? Really?" The other gasped. "But she has beaten off any man that tried to court her before; I'd figure that she would just be an old spinster for the rest of her life!"

"Haha, true. But have you seen the young man she brought home? He's so handsome, a charming gentleman."

"Tsk, what a shame. Such a good piece of jade wasted on an old woman like herself," another tsked.

"Hmm, what," the villager intervened. "Did you plan on matchmaking your daughter with the gentleman?"

"So what if I did? Don't reject the fact that you were thinking the same thing with your Li'er!" Laughed the other villager.

"Tsk," Ren Dong cliched her tongue. 'Everyone wants to come after my Wen Tu.' Gathering all her washings, Ren Dong abruptly stood and walked off back home. She could still hear and feel the villagers whispering and stares as they watched her walk off. "Gathering too many mosquitoes and butterflies," she muttered as she thought of the youth back at home.

Ever since the incident with the fox spirit, Wen Tu had been living with her along with Wen Tu's younger brother, A-Kuai. Though the home was getting quite cramped due to a large number of people within its quarters, it was quickly alleviated when the pair built another bedroom for Wen Tu and A-Kuai.

Though she has to admit the sibling pair was quite mysterious, not to mention very beautiful, she wasn't one to reject those in need.

Thinking of Wen Tu, a smile naturally made it was on her face. She wasn't sure what initially made her attracted to him so quickly, but she couldn't help but slowly fall for the man. Something about him called out to her.

"Miss Ren Dong!" A young man called out to her. Turning around, Ren Dong saw a familiar youth running up to her.

"Is it true!" He demanded with a hurt expression on his face. He was a childhood friend of hers, Dan Lue. Their fathers were friends growing up, so if their children were a boy and girl, they would become husband and wife if they were boys, then they would be brothers.

Therefore, once she was born, everyone was counting on Madame Dan to give birth to a boy; however, she ended up miscarrying. Dan Lue was born four years after her.

However, after her father had passed, she had to take three years of mourning for her father. And by then, Dan Lue was already at a marriageable age, and she had already aged out to an old maid.

"What's true?" Ren Dong questioned. 'Why does Dan Lue look so troubled? Should I prescribe him some pain relievers next time I visit his family?'

"That you brought home a man!" He said, this time with more force in his voice. "Is it true?"

"Well, technically, it's a man and his kid brother," Ren Dong corrected. "But yes, I have brought home a man."

"I said I would marry you after I convinced Mother!" Dan Lue cried. "I don't care what they say; I'm keeping the promise between our families!"

"Hah," Ren Dong sighed as she watched her childhood friend wallowing in despair. "A-Lue, how many times do I have to tell you, you don't need to marry an old woman like me. You have your whole life ahead of you."

"But it was a promise between our fathers!"

"Yes, and your family has already compensated me," Ren Dong explained. "I very content with my life right now, so stop making it like as if I'm miserable."

"But-" He argued but then stopped himself. "Tell me this, Miss Ren Dong, do you." He paused before taking in a deep breathe. "Do you plan on marrying that man?"

Ren Dong froze at that thought. The thought of marrying the silly young man she had just met, Wen Tu. Ren Dong could already imagine their life together. Wen Tu would be at home, doing all the household chores while she was out making her rounds around the village and neighboring towns.

What a beautiful life that would be to have someone who was waiting back at home for her. Even if he could be a little silly at times, seeing him for lunch and dinner were parts of the day that she anticipated.

"Well," she said slowly. "If our relationship develops enough for both of us to harbor feelings for one another, then yes," Ren Dong stated firmly. "Yes, I would gladly marry him if he will have me."

"And if he doesn't?" Dan Lue whispered. "If he runs away from taking responsibility?"

"Then I have no one to blame but myself for not seeing the signs," and with that, Ren Dong walked away from Dan Lue.

'Ah,' Ren Dong mentally sighed. 'What does that boy see within me?' After feeling bitter earlier due to the local gossip, her mood sunk to a bittersweet taste.

'Would we become a couple?' She pondered as the little house on the hill came into view.

However, what uplifted her sour mood was the young man waiting for her at the door.

Squatting by the entrance, Wen Tu's large eyes scanned the area before finally landing on Ren Dong figure. Her face instantly brightened as she quickly stood up and ran on over to Ren Dong.

"You're back!" Wen Tu cheered. "Oh! Let me help you with that," after taking notice of the laundry basket, she grabbed it out of Ren Dong's arms and ran over to the clothing line. Within a blink of an eye, all of the laundries were neatly hung up and pinned into place.

"Uh? Thanks," Ren Dong said as she tried to process what she had just seen. But then again, Wen Tu and her brother built an extension to her house within a single night. Therefore, something like this shouldn't irk her as much.

"What are you standing there for? Come on inside. I made lunch!" Wen Tu quickly returned to her side and practically dragged her back inside.

Once inside, Ren Dong noticed the little boy already seated in his small chair. "Good afternoon, A-Kuai."

The little boy only nodded in her direction before looking at the food displayed on the table with sparkling eyes. Knowing the reason behind his attitude, Ren Dong smiled in amusement.

Despite being somewhat ditzy at times, Wen Tu was extremely good at doing chores. Perhaps the one that she performs the best at is cooking.

When she had Wen Tu's cooking fro the first time, she had her doubts. But after tasting it, she realized that she had never eaten right in her entire life. Growing up, Ren Dong didn't have a mother, as she had passed while she was young. Her father didn't remarry and did most of the cooking. It wasn't the best, but she knew her father tried his best to care for her.

After eating Wen Tu's food, she felt that she could be free as a bunny prancing through a meadow with no danger in sight. It was warm, light, and gave her fluffy feelings.

"Honestly, I think you could be a better wife than I could ever be," Ren Dong commented as she down another bowl fo rice with Wen Tu's delicious cooking. Though all the dishes were vegetarian, it didn't matter to her as each plate was overflowing with flavor.

Wen Tu instantly blushed at Ren Dong's compliment. 'Ah! Wifey likes my food!' And returned Ren Dong's praise with a quiet 'thank you,' as she tried to hide her red face.

Seeing her actions, Ren Dong chuckled as she continued eating her food. 'Ah, so cute!'


An annoyed boy cleared their throat as they watched the two women's interactions with each other. They regularly sent a lovey-dovey glaze at each other, and stuck in the middle on the receiving end of both sides was a disgruntle A-Kuai.

'Too sweet!' He gagged. 'Everything I'm eating is too sweet!' He quickly downed the rest of the sickly sweet rice and left the table. 'I can't continue eating if all I get to eat is dog food[1].'

Seeing A-Kuai's reactions, both looked at each other before cracking a smile. "So," Wen Tu started, "What's new in the village?"

Ren Dong's mood soured as she remembered what had happened earlier with the gossipers and Dan Lue. However, it wasn't like she could brush off the topic as Wen Tu was bound to hear about the rumors even if she was to stay home.

"Wen Tu, I need to ask you something."

"Okay! What is it?"

"What do you think of marriage?"

[1] dog food - slang for a couple showing an excessive amount of PDA (public display of affection).