The Rescue

"So, is this your first time kidnapping?" Tied up like a caterpillar, A-Kuai sat like a potato sack over Dan Lue's shoulder.

"What?" Dan Lue turned his head to the caterpillar, confusion written all over his face.

"Is this your first time kidn-"

"No, I heard you the first time," Dan Lue corrected. "What makes you think that I've done this before? Or even thought of doing it."

"Oh, a force of habit."


"Nevermind," A-Kuai shook his head and resumed his act of a potato sack.

At the moment, the two boys were hiking through the woods to the supposed rendezvous. Although, it was mainly Dan Lue doing all the heavy lifting as A-Kuai was currently disabled.

The plan was for Dan Lue to meet up with Hu Dan and make the trade-off of cargo at the agreed location. Ren Dong would be hiding from the distance.

Once the exchange finishes, A-Kuai would be presumably taken to where Hu Dan was keeping Wen Tu while Ren Dong would follow from a distance.

To ensure that Hu Dan doesn't detect Ren Dong, she applied a unique mixture of herbs to disguises her mortal scent.

Though this plan wasn't foolproof, it was the only one that they could perform in a short period.

"This is the spot," Dan Lue set A-Kuai down as he surveyed the area. "We meet where the two trees merge." Under the spotty shade of the two twisting trees, the pair waited for Hu Dan to make his entrance.

"So," Dan Lue started. He wasn't sure how to talk to the sharped tongue boy. "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid?" A-Kuai looked up to his side to see Dan Lue poorly disguised anxiety. "Well, I suppose so," he sighed. "I'm less afraid of myself and more so for my Big Brother. I know that he can be very, well silly, in his actions. He is one to follow his heart and does as he pleases. Honestly, I'm worried that his impulsiveness will lead him into great danger."

"Isn't it normal for you to worry about someone you love?" Dan Lue knew that feeling as well. He had a few younger siblings at home who were still very young and didn't yet understand that the world wasn't as lovely as they would expect.

"Hmph," A-Kuai smiled. "I suppose it is normal. You wouldn't worry about someone you don't care about."

The rustling leaves and sticks soon broke the amicable atmosphere between the two.

"Well, well, well," an arrogant voice mused. "It seems we met again," stepping out of the foliage, the red fox smiled at the pair.

"I've come with my end of the deal," Dan Lue stated.

"Yes, I can see that," Hu Dan nodded with a smile. "And in exchange, I swear that no harm will come to that dastardly mortal woman." Hu Dan's amber eyes flickered over to A-Kuai's pathetic form.

"Hmph, brother-in-law," Hu Dan grinned. "It's good to see you again. You know, last time I didn' mean to injury you so, tsk, it would've hurt a lot less had you told where Wen Tu was."

A-Kuai sneered at Hu Dan and resisted the urge to spit in his smug face. As if he would give his sister to this psychopathic bastard!

Hu Dan smiled at A-Kuai's face before returning to Dan Lue's. "Well, as much as I'd love to stand around a chat, I promised my bride that I would return by sundown with her brother. Can't be late for my wedding, you know."

Reaching down, Hu Dan moved to grab A-Kuai. However, before he could get close to him, A-Kuai snapped his gashed his teeth at Hu Dan's outstretched paw.

"Woah," Hu Dan pulled back quickly with a teasing smile. "You almost had me there, brother-in-law"— grabbing onto the bunny's collar, Hu Dan hoisted A-Kuai into the air — "that's not very nice. You know, I promised Wen Tu that you'd come back in one piece. Don't make me break that promise."

The tension between the two was so thick a knife could slice it.

"Well, I'm going to head back," Dan Lue interrupted. "Congratulations on your marriage, but I must be going home now," and turned to leave.

"Eh," Hu Dan nodded. "And for you as well."

The group soon parted ways, one back to his village, and the others on a mission to save their beloved rabbit.


"Miss, it's no use in trying to escape from your bindings," a timid mouse demon begged, as she tried to help Wen Tu into her wedding dress.

Wen Tu ignored the mouse's pleading and continued to gnaw on the ropes tied into her wrist. 'Hmph, that dirty fox, you think my excellent teeth can't set me free?'

Wen Tu's wrist bindings was a layer of protective silk covered with thick leather shackles. Who would've thought that Hu Dan put this much care into keeping her locked up? The silk bindings helped prevent the coarse restraints from tearing at her skin, and the leather proved to be impenetrable to her sharp teeth. 'No worries, I'm not one to give up!'

"Miss, please," the mouse placed her hands on Wen Tu's shoulder, interrupting her actions. "If you don't stop, then the Master will be upset."

"The Master?" Wen Tu scoffed. "That slimy fox is your Master?"

The mouse seemed to hesitate, unwillingness all over her face. "Yes, the Master has my family. If I don't listen to him, then he will eat them one by one for dinner," — she looked up at Wen Tu, pleading — "so please, cooperate, Miss. It will hurt a lot less if you do."

Wen Tu pursed her lips at the mouse's sad expression. On the one hand, she didn't want to cause trouble for this poor mouse. On the other hand, she didn't want to wear wedding garb if it wasn't for her Wifey.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Another servant came through the door of her dressing room. "The Master is returning soon with his brother-in-law! Quick, prepare the Madam for the ceremony!"

Wen Tu didn't even get a moment of protest before several strong maids came in and held her down to get ready. "H-hey! Take it easy!"

Within a few moments, Wen Tu was dressed red to toe in red silk. Though there was no embroidery on the gown, there was a simple design of a red fox and a white rabbit on the veil. 'Tsk, how long did he plan this?'

Her shackles were placed back onto her wrists and were soon covered by the red flower she had to carry. Walked out of the cave, she was quickly guided to a sedan made of bamboo and decorated with flowers.

Wrinkling her nose, Wen Tu resisted getting into the sedan for a while before shoved in. Inside, she could hear the thud of a lock on the door.

"Since when did Hu Dan become such a local tyrant?" All the servants that she had encountered back in the cave had such downcased expressions.

Regardless of the current situation of power in the forest, Wen Tu couldn't help but think of Ren Dong. 'Wifey, come quick. I don't know how long I will be able to fight off Hu Dan.'


"Wen Tu, wait for me. I'm coming," Ren Dong quickly stalked behind Hu Dan's fading form to the best of her abilities.

Earlier, she watched that hateful fox from a distance, waiting for her chance to strike as he chatted with Dan Lue. Even though she couldn't hear what they were talking about, based on A-Kuai's body language, it wasn't good news.

As soon as Dan Lue walked by and flashed her the signal, she knew it was time for her to follow.

So far, the fox skillfully maneuvered around the forest, making sharp turns now and then. "What is this fox planning," she muttered as she chased after him.

Soon a patch of red came into the distance. In the middle of meadow was a large red wedding alter surrounded with guests. Though it seemed like a wedding event, the mood was far from happy. On closer inspection, one could see that all of the guests looked down and didn't dare peek up at the passing fox.

Hu Dan haughty strutted over the alter, where a set of stairs lead up to a table of incenses that stood in the middle of an elevated platform. On both sides of the table were two large wooden chairs.

After placing A-Kuai down in one of the wooden chairs, Hu dan clapped his hands. Quickly some servants walked up to him and dressed him in red wedding garb. "Oh"— he motioned over to A-Kuai — "put my brother-in-law into something festive. It is his sister's wedding, after all."

The servants didn't say anything but merely bowed their heads. They quickly went over to A-Kuai and draped a red cloak over him to cover his bindings.

Soon the sound of drums signaled the arrival of the bride. Hu Dan smiled as he watched the wedding procession.

While Hu Dan was distracted, A-Kuai surveyed the surrounding area to see that Ren Dong had slowly integrated amongst the crowd. Though a few onlookers noticed thew new guest, they didn't make a fuss and stayed silent.

Ren Dong's eyes eventually met A-Kuai's, and they both slowly nodded.

It was time to rescue Wen Tu.