Two Women in Disguise (4)

"Since Ms. Alexandra had prepared a whole day for us, we might as well go with it, right Mr. Shawn?"

Sharmaine stared at Claire's flushed expression. She cannot believe at this ridiculous prank Alexandra was pulling. Now, she's going to go on a date with Claire Li, who might be the Carrie Lim she's hoping.

"Well, I guess you're right then." Sharmaine scooted over the side and sat in front of Claire as the waiters served the food.

Garlicky aromas filled Sharmaine's nostrils as she stared at the platter of steak in front of her. They even had poured wine in their drinking glasses.

"This is . . . very fancy," Sharmaine said, picking up the fork and knife. She gently sliced the tender steak, revealing a beautiful rare inside. The garlic flavor stood out the most as she bit a piece off.

Claire smiled seeing that Sharmaine seem to like the food. "It's wonderful, isn't it?"

"Very much so." She sipped a bit of the red wine served.

Sharmaine stared at Claire, who looked like she was enjoying the 'date' planned by the two CEOs—she could have sworn to kill one of them when she gets back later. The early lunch finished and Sharmaine was preparing to leave when someone suddenly held her hand.

"Mind to accompany me for the rest of the schedule?"

Sharmaine turned her gaze and saw Claire almost clinging onto her arm. "Pardon?"

"Please accompany me today in Ms. Alexandra's plans."


Claire sighed. "Let's go on a date." The moment struck her mind. Was she hearing the right words? Had Sharmaine been sleep deprived that she had started to hallucinate? What did Claire just say? A date?

"Please, Mr. Shawn. I just need you to accompany me until the sun set or else, I might lose my job." Sharmaine gulped. She would have already declined, but hearing Claire say 'I might lose my job' just triggered something in her. In the end, she agreed to go on a date with a woman.

"I should have never jinxed myself," she muttered silently.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Where are we supposed to go now?" Claire took out her phone and scanned through her emails. She showed a picture of the nearby amusement park with huge rollercoasters circling around the place.

"I was told to ride one of these." Sharmaine nodded nervously as this will be the very first time she will ever ride one.

Hand in hand they went out of the restaurant. The park was nearby and could be walked by foot, so they decided to take the long way, mainly because Sharmaine would not want this to go on for any longer. Sounds of nature and chatters filled the air as they stood outside of the park itself. Trees and bushes were also present, and many mascots offered balloons, sell rather, to children.

Claire held up two long tickets, which she took out from her shoulder bag. "Let's go?"

Sharmaine's heart pounded even more. Was she even ready to enter a kids' park?