Issues (1)

When Sharmaine woke up, she found herself terribly ill. As she rose up, she felt the urge to curse the shrimp soup as her head throbbed even more that what she experienced yesterday. When she was finally able to gain her strength, her gag reflexes suddenly triggered, finding herself rushing towards the bathroom sink to vomit.

She looked to the mirror and slapped herself. "Sharmaine, you gotta go and pull yourself together."

She rinsed out her barf, showering afterward; she went out feeling slightly refreshed. Dressing up was also another thing for her to struggle as her chest felt swollen, so wrapping the bandages felt like living h*ll.

"Ugh, I swear I'm gonna avoid shrimp for the rest of my life." she muttered, feeling frustrated as to how should she wrap said bandages around her with no pain. Miraculously, she managed and was ready just before Denzel left his room. When he got out, she greeted him with a slight smile and another gag reflex.

"Oh, sorry, I think the shrimp soup must've taken its effects on me." She smiled nervously.

Denzel just stared at her with confusion but just shrugged it off. They both continued pacing down the stairs. Sharmaine went to the dining room to grab their breakfast as Denzel headed straight to the car; Sharmaine carefully packed the food, making sure that nothing is going to spill on their way to the office.

She had smelled lovely aromas but was thrown off by the scent of shrimp. As expected, her gag reflex triggered and she rushed to the sink to vomit, taking her way longer to get to the car.

Thankfully, Denzel was pretty cool about it; he did not see nor hear a thing. She plopped the bag of food down between her legs as she gazed through the car window, watching the surroundings move.

They arrived at the office early, and started preparing for the meeting with the Board of Directors this upcoming week. Sharmaine really needed to be focused—no headaches, nausea, vomiting and other unfortunate accidents that might happen; since most of Denzel's schedules were fixed, all there was left to do was to explain him everything.

Sharmaine went to Denzel to give him her reports, "Denzel, here are—" when suddenly, she felt herself gagging for some reason. She hurriedly excused herself and vomited again before returning with a heavier body.

She coughed. "As I was saying." She proceeded on to reporting and dictating everything to Denzel. She even gave him a flash drive to use for the presentation.

She was in the middle of explaining when Denzel suddenly ordered her to stop. She felt slightly confused as she glanced to him, wondering if she did something wrong.

"Rest," he monotonously said. Sharmaine arched her brow up.

"Rest for a while. You've been vomiting all throughout this presentation. I can manage myself."

"B-But I—"

Denzel sighed as he cut her off. "No buts. Just do as I say and we'll be productive again." Because of this, Sharmaine had no choice but to nod and accept her fate. She subconsciously blamed it on the shrimp soup, wondering if her allergies were getting worse.

"Damned shrimp soup. Why do you have to make me suffer?"