Prior to the Event (2)

Lunch hit the spot for Sharmaine, but sadly, she couldn't enjoy the beautiful view of the place for much longer as she was somehow needed by her mother—and frankly, she could not defy her orders in any way possible. With nothing much to do, they paced the familiar hallways yet again and ended up inside of Iris' office. Its overall ambience felt nice to Sharmaine, and whilst she stared at the woman in front of her, no words from her mouth came out.

Silence was the main factor that kept words from each other's mouths. The room was neither dim nor bright; sunlight came from the big window with tied red curtains standing behind Iris' table

"What do you think is the story of your life?" Iris said. It was frankly weird, and somehow inappropriate for the situation, nevertheless, she gave an appropriate answer.

"I have no memories."

Iris smiled. "Yes, that is correct."

"What's your point?"

Iris paused. "Well, there is not point frankly. I'm just here to remind you of the fitting tomorrow."

Sharmaine's eyebrow arched upwards. "Do you have to make us come here just to say that."

Iris turned around. Her skin was darker than usual as she stood against the light; her eyes shone gold and stared at Sharmaine's with a stabbing feeling. It was sharp like an eagle's claw hunting for prey—it caught her off-guard.

"I was going to say something, but I thought that you'll need some more time. When the right time comes, either I'll tell you or you'll tell me yourself. You may go now." Her words were as frozen as a winter lake; her smile was dead.

Sharmaine walked out with shivering insides. This giddy feeling crept up to her slowly as she made her way back to the room. The weird door, the suspicious behavior, that dead smile and glowing eyes—what's there? Iris' words pierced her brain with tons upon tons of questions whilst a bucket filled with confusion toppled over her.

"Miss Sharmaine?"

She turned around and saw a woman, Merry—this woman was here not long ago. She gripped her shoulders with wide eyes; she wanted to speak but hesitated. Countless unanswered and confusing questions flooded her mind; she knew that Merry wouldn't even try to explain even if she asked genuinely.

"Miss Sharmaine?"

Merry's words were piercing through her mind. A good minute passed before she laid her hand down from her shoulders. She created this awkward atmosphere until Merry spoke for the third time.

"Miss Sharmaine, is there something wrong?"

Sharmaine frowned and let out a heavy sigh. "Nothing. My head just ached." It was merely an excuse, but it wasn't far from the truth either. Because of this, Merry gently guided Sharmaine to their room, laying her down on the soft mattress. She even noticed Sharmaine staring nowhere as if she was buried too much into her thoughts.

Tomorrow will be an exciting day as they were scheduled for the fitting. The event would be something Sharmaine looked forward to because of countless mysteries and hints from Iris, her alleged mother.

"I suppose it won't be a lie."