The Desired Empire (2)

The day fast forward to the most important week for the Suarez Empire. The place was enormous, enough to fit a thousand people; the floors and ceiling shone as chandeliers hung from the crystal-like chains. Even the reporters came one by one with their crew and big cameras, for it was a big event for the country.

Months of work was somehow worth it in Denzel's eyes. He'd survived the past six months, unsure if he could hold on longer. Shawn will attend today's event, he thought, right? He stood in front of the mirror at the boutique, all dazed and out of focus. His eyes shifted from top to bottom before remarking the suit.

He silently went into his car after, and before he knew it, they had already arrived at the venue. As he stepped outside, flashes of lights were what he could perceive, as well as loud calls while being escorted by body guards inside, where a few familiar faces were already present—the obnoxious Alexandra, the seductive Shaine, his most hated brother, and many more.

"Denzel!" Alexandra cheered as she walked towards him, "My, my, you look very handsome in that suit. Good choice."

"T-Thank you."

He was about to greet the other guest when a beautiful woman met his eye. It was a woman he did not know, so he stared at her glamorous entrance together with another woman, who looked like her but older. All of them stared at her, jaw dropping with thoughts and speculations.

He clenched his fists and approached the women, only to be bombarded with many female colleagues and friends. It was a noisy atmosphere, but once they locked eyes, time stopped for a brief moment. She had a different vibe, and her face was awfully familiar. He greeted his guest one by one until the light dimmed down; the spotlight highlighted the stage at the very end.

Wonderful remarks were given by many influential people, and when it came to Denzel, he produced a moving speech all about the company's past, present and future. His eyes were contacted against the crowd's, but his attention was always at hers. The lady from before had a very sparkly dress that also shone in the dark. It was weird, but intriguing.

"I very much wished that the one I treasured was here, but I guess I was too hopeful," he blurted out while staring at the fine lady then to the crowd, whom were quiet and bewildered by his words. He smiled and giggled before passing the microphone to the next speaker, which produced immense claps and cheers.

As he stepped down, he could feel his heart beating loud. He wanted to see the woman for himself, so he desperately, and low-key, tried to search for her presence, but it suddenly vanished. The only one left was the youthful-looking woman, who caught her gaze. He shuddered and greeted politely.

"Oh my, what lovely, fine man are you."

Denzel stared at her blade-sharp eyes. "T-Thank you."

She giggled. "Well then, what brings you here to this side of the hall?"

"I was… looking for a woman who stood here a while ago."