Entitlement (1)

After a few exchanges of words, the man introduced himself as Denzel Suarez. Their conversation was short, but it traveled fast that they landed on the topics of partnership and espionage. Sharmaine wanted to know the man that stood in front of her, however, he declined her offers.

It was not surprising as the main ideology was, "Do not appoint someone in a high position if you don't trust the person". And since she was the daughter of his competitor, it would not be a very wise decision if he hired her to be his secretary.

The conversation was much like a silent and friendly debate that ended when another party was introduced. A woman considered to be gorgeous and intelligent by the industry stood before her with an intense amount of confidence. Her fashion choices were as peculiar as her attitude that changed in a matter of minutes as her eyes changed mood.

Denzel introduced both of them as they looked at each other with fighting sparks. Sharmaine felt the familiar air once again, however, it was not warm and comforting; it was a combination of hostility and danger hidden under an obviously cunning smile. Even if she held the conversation in a calming way, it did not stop the other party from revealing its irritation.

"After six months, you show up like it's nothing? Who are you? Why are you here again?" she said, in a tone that's not very nice, thus, further supporting Sharmaine's suspicion on Alexandra's involvement on her accident. Her heart pounded faster until Alexandra dragged Denzel out of her sight.

She was left alone with her empty wine glass. She placed on top of the table, and watched as the people's claps filled the air. Upon further examination, she concluded that there was no reason for her to stand and watch, so she decided to go back to her mother's place, until she felt someone grab her wrist, pulling her out of the crowd.

It was a known yet unfamiliar touch.

"So, you're here now?" a man with a shallow voice said. She looked up to see who it was; he was an unknown figure that made her skeptical.

"What? You can't remember me anymore?" he smirked. In appearance, he was a tall, seemingly young man with a slightly beautiful face, and an arrogant standing in life. If this man was interested in creating a good conversation with her, she'd stay, however, it was the opposite.

An unknown man was dictating her life by whispering nasty and obviously-manipulating words. If she had not lost her memories, she would've probably been a captive—a puppet that's too scared to defy the orders of her non-existent master.

"Who are you?" she said in a low and hostile voice. She thought, maybe she could intimidate him with her presence alone, however, that was not the case. He merely smirked, completely aware that her intimidation was useless.

"Who am I? Oh, poor you, are you taking revenge because I left you a year ago?"