Blind Eyes (2)

The chills went up her spine when the air turned colder. She could sense the disappointment in Jason's quivering voice. He was not a person she's willing to trust just because of her first impressions, however, her views of him was constantly changing with every action he made.

When the warmth of the sun touched her skin, she smiled at his bewildered face. Though she did not know him yet, she's willing to explain her situation if needed.

"This place is warm," she spoke.

"You remember this place, right?" He stared at her and her blue, shimmering gown that showed parts of her skin. She was truly beautiful—even her face was—and as he reminisced the past that suddenly made him regret his actions. He stood like a patient man beside her, watching her every move and every gaze.

"This place feels familiar, don't you think?" She looked at him with the same eyes back then. Her mannerisms and gestures were also the same; his mind was already filled of her memory since that day.

"It is. I hope you remember, Sharmaine."

"So, you know me."

"I have always known you."

The gentle whisper of the arising birds filled the air as the sun shone its proud light towards them. The neighborhood's silence was eradicated by the shouting kids at the early morning, and the fact that they still wore their formal wear left a weird impression among the female kids as they called them royalty.

They both laughed warmly, and as time passed, Sharmaine returned in the car while Jason cleaned her feet using wet wipes located in the car. It tickled and made Sharmaine flinch because of her healing blisters. Before they knew it, they were off to the mall to pick up normal clothes.

When Jason came back, they both caught a glimpse of themselves changing in the car—not at the same time—in the middle of daylight. Sharmaine was given a flowy skirt and a fitted top with flat and open sandals while Jason picked a simple polo t-shirt and the same black slacks as he styled his hair.

After having light breakfast at a nearby café, Jason dropped Sharmaine at her residence. She gazed one more time at his beautiful eyes before grabbing her dirty shoes and heavy gown. She smiled warmly and thanked him before he left in a rush.

She breathed in before pressing the doorbell. She was happily greeted by the old woman that escorted her inside the house. There was no sign of Merry or Iris, but it did not matter as she was very tired and wanted sleep. The old woman reached out for the objects she carried and reminded her to wake up later to greet the president.

Sharmaine nodded as she yawned and laid on the soft bed. She wanted to sleep yet her make-up made her feel dirty, so she had to stand up one more time to wash her face. As she laid down once more, she felt her sore legs and feet throbbing.

"What a day."