My dad is innocent

Time is like paused for Zara. She feels like her whole world collapsed infront of her , how she except that her father is no more , How she except that from now no one call her princess

Rian look at Zara , he never seen her like this. Her eyes become sober , black spot appear under her eyes , she crying so much that no tear left in her eyes. She became like a statue. She don't speak a word from her mouth. Rian feel soory fo her, she is devastated now , how will she react when she know the whole truth.

Zara was still in shocked , she heard some noise coming out from her house. Some reporters gathering out of her house , and try to enter her house. Zara don't understand why reporters gather at house , Suddenly a question appear in her mind , how was her father die ?

" what is happening here , how dad is dying. tell me Rian, who killed my dad ". Zara wipe her tears.

Rian already predicted that situation, he prepare himself to face Zara " Zara, please listen to me first , today morning we got a call from a secret informer that .....that he saw your father with some terrorists . First we don't believe in him but he sent us a live video , where clearly seen that your father selling secret information to other people , my senior two officers reach that spot for catch your father red handed ,but he try to escape and killed in encounter ".

Zara don't believe what heard from Rian , " are you mad , for so many years you know dad how you think he can do some thing like that , I don't believe in any video. My dad was brave he never try to escape. you seniors are lie ". Zara go near to reporters and signal them to face the camara to her , she wants to " My dad is innocent, he dedicated his whole life to police, he get madale for risk his life for this country , Police said they get call from a informer about my dad , are they find out the informer ? are they prove that my dad try to escape ? are they prove that the video is not edited ,and who captured the video ? where is he ? and where are those people to whom my dad give secret information ? are anyone had the answer " Zara take a deep breath and continue " I find out the truth , and I prove my dad is innocent ".

Rian just stare at Zara , just a minute ago she was devastated and now she is like a fire, Rian got his senses when his phone ring , the person other side from the phone , his sir. one of officer who encounter her father." Rian , what are you doing. stop your girlfriend ,I see the news . She talk all nonsense about our department. You decide what you choose you personal responsibility or you police duty " . Rian look at Zara and take a deep breath " My duty come fast Sir , I will stop her ".