A new beginning ( part 2 )

Another side of the country in a hospital....

Zara open her eyes slowly , She still fill pain in her body , when look around she saw she lie down on hospital bed. She saw two nurses talk with each other. Zara think how she is in hospital , The last she remembered that She lying on the ground after the accident and she felt some one lifted her from the ground.

" Excuse me.....can you tell me how I am here" . Zara ask one of the nurse.

" You are finally awake ... wait a minute I call the doctor ". The nurse step out from the room.

Some time later The doctor come to see her , with a guy.

Zara look at the person standing next to the doctor , he is about same age as her, wearing a formal shirt and jeans. His Eyes are dark , looking at the person's eyes she can tell that he don't sleeps well for many nights. He has relax expression in his face to see her.

" How Are you feel, are you still feel pain " The doctor check her nerves.

" I still feel little pain " Zara reply.

" Don't worry , it is normal. It take time to heal your wounds " Doctor assure her.

" You scared us , You was in coma for five days, and you boyfriend don't sleep for five days . We think .....but finally you wake . that is what matters " The doctor pat on her head.

" I told you before , she is not my girlfriend ". The guy tell with embracement.

" Yeah ..Yeah ......." the doctor ignore his words and gone from there.

Zara look at him , his face become red with embracement. Zara remember the doctor's words , This guy don't sleep because he was worried about her , he waited for her. She don't know him , also never see him before so why he care so much for her. After her father died and she broke her relationship with Rian, She never thought she found someone who care for her.

Before Zara ask him anything , He cut her " I know , you want answers but I can't tell you anything in the hospital. When you recharge from the hospital I take you to a safe place and I will answer all of your questions , but for now please rest " .

Zara don't ask him farther. She decided to trust him...... He is the one who save her .

" Zara...I believe that your father is innocent and we prove that soon " The person assure her before step out from the room.

Zara don't believe in ears , Is not this is the words she want to hear from Rian. She will never force him to go against the police , and help her. She just want to hear from him that he believes in her trust for her father.

Zara fell tears in her eyes ,at least someone...............