Next Step

Next morning , Zara wake up from sleep. She take a bath and fresh herself . She wear a casual jeans and a Light pink colour crop which complement her skin tone. When Zara reach to dinning room for breakfast every one already their.

" Good morning brother " Zara greet Sahil with a smile.

Sahil look to Zara in confusion before realise that she really called him brother first time.

" Good morning sister " Sahil reply with a sweet smile.

" Are you well child .....Don't worry about yesterday....ok I am fine now . After meet you my last wish is complete now . Now I will die peacefully..." Sahil's mother held Zara's hand.

" Mom ...." Sahil glare at mother.

" ok ...ok... I don't talk about it . Let's eat ok. come seat here my child " . Sahil's mother asked Zara to sit.

" good morning.....ahh.." Zara pause for some minute.

" you can call me mother...if you comfortable with it " Sahil's mother reply after see Zara's hesitation.

Zara think for some time and reply " Good morning mother " .

Some tears gathers on corner of Sahil's mother's eyes. She look at Sahil with a smile. Sahil noded his head. After peacefully eat their breakfast . Sahil take her mother to room for rest and asked Zara and Vivek to meet him to the study room.

In the Study room three of sit in chairs. Zara break the silence first. " Are the man who attacted us tell anything who sent them " Zara ask Sahil.

Sahil shake his head " No.....My men tortured them but they don't know who give them orders, They never see theirs boss face. But He give us some information which he observes and know ".

" What...information " Vivek ask.

" What I realise after talk to him ...some high official people from police departments and some power full also involved in this matter and know about the sting operation and They trap him..." Sahil's reply with frastation.

" So if we assume , maybe things happened like this....Zara's father get information maybe some illegal activities and tell some of his seniors about this and about the secret sting operation but he don't know that to whom he tell was also involved in this illegal activities and They leak the information. And that day they ...kill..him..and show it as encounter and blame Zara's father ". Vivek pause for a moment.

Vivek and Sahil look at Zara. Tears running down from her chicks. " So...they trap my father and ....and....killed him. I want justice for our father " Zara look at Sahil and Vivek.

Sahil hug Zara " it's ok I promise you I never forgive them be sure to make their life like hell who do this to our father" Sahil assure Zara.