The Long and Winding Road

Samir made a decision very quickly. He needed to look at the mysterious strangers without them spotting him. He whispered to Neil:

"Follow me. Try to make no noise. If you want to communicate something, tap my shoulder. Let's go."

Crouching, he began moving towards a big shrub growing on a small rise in the ground. After a few steps he glanced round to see that Neil following him exactly as instructed. The boy was good, he made practically no sound - he was actually stealthier than Samir himself! It had been a very good move to recruit him.

Samir picked a course that minimized disturbing the tall grass. When he reached the rise, he dropped flat and gestured at Neil to do the same. They crawled over the rise, turned round, crawled a few steps back and hid behind the shrub. Samir reached out and parted a couple of branches: he could now safely watch the scene while staying undetected.