Leading By Example

"Thank you, Bernard. Thank you so much," said Adam Lander, accepting a mug of steaming coffee from his younger brother.

"We're going to run out of coffee soon," Bernard said.

"What? Run out of coffee? I saw a whole carton, untouched, when I was checking on the stores yesterday."

"That carton doesn't contain coffee."

"Are we talking about the same thing? The carton I'm referring to has a Maxwell House logo on it."

"It's full of Debbie's herbal teas. The ones even she won't drink, they taste so bad."

"Oh. By the way, is Dad around?"

"No, he's still sleeping."

"Shouldn't we wake him up?"

"He told me he's taking a day away from the office, and that you're taking a day off, too," said Bernard. He seemed far from overjoyed at the prospect of having his father and older brother around for the whole day.

""What about Debbie and Karen?"

"They're up, all right. They've been up since dawn."