The Tearful Governor

The Vallejo governor had set up his office on the premises of a former restaurant. The Vallejo town hall had been burned down in rioting that took place at the beginning of the year. At first, there had been some desultory talk about rebuilding it, but the abundance of newly vacated commercial properties made rebuilding absurd.

The elected, Old World government of Vallejo chose to move into offices previously occupied by a bank. They were big enough to accommodate the new governor as well. However, Ralph Kundis—formerly the deputy mayor of Vallejo—preferred the premises of Mama's Table.

Mama's Table was located in a house a block away from the bank taken over by the Old World government. A sign claimed it served the best hamburger in town. A bored-looking cop posted by the entrance had the effrontery to ask Adam for his credentials. Then he recognized Kirk and nearly tripped over his own feet in his rush to open the door for Adam.