A Misty Future

The mist lay particularly heavily over Parson's Creek, and Li Yang had real trouble watching the sinker on the line he'd cast. His experiences in the New World had already trained him to try and find new food whenever he felt hungry, instead of eating the food that was in store.

And so, inspired by his New World fishing success, he grabbed one of the rods that came with the cabin, a handful of corn kernels, and went fishing. He was supposed to be keeping watch, but the bank of the creek was just a few steps away from the cabin, much closer than it was to their camp in the New World. He felt sure he'd hear anyone coming before he saw them, anyway: the mist was really thick. So thick that if anyone tried to approach the cabin, they were sure to stumble and fall flat on their faces a couple of times, with the resulting cries of anger and distress.