Fake It Until You Make It

They ate two more tortillas each—one plain, one flavoured with meat—by the time they got to the town hall. Li Yang was all for eating a third, but Jake stopped him.

"We've got just over half a dollar left," he said. "We really cannot afford to buy more."

"We don't need to. We've brought food."

"A can of fucking Spam, two cans of creamed corn, and two cups of instant noodles. You fancy biking home on an empty stomach? I don't."

"I've also brought a loaf of sliced bread."

"Fuck! We only had two left. I told you not to take any."

"I thought the girls would eat all the bread we left behind, anyway. It's more fair this way. They get one loaf, and we get one loaf."

"What the fuck is going on over there? Look!"